Thursday, February 12, 2009

Better than a Grammy, Tony, or Oscar

Bobness has been awarded yet another prestigious award... this time by the Bacolicious Annieha. She is related to Megan so that definitely makes her good people.

The rules for the award are as follows:

Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass the Award on to 5 most-deserving Blog Friends. You must link to the author and name of the blog from where he/she has received the award.

You must display the Award on your blog and link to this post which explains the Award. Each blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add your name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, they will be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor. You must post these rules on your blog.

So, without further ado, here are my five awardees:

I'm not sure how I stumbled across Hotfessional, but she deserves this award. Her stories of Mr. Hot, Shortman, and the Diva are always both entertaining and downright funny. She's got one of those blogs that I read immediately when she posts a new entry. Try her... you'll like her.

Leah at The Weather in the Streets is a wonderful writer and an even more wonderful human being. Her unending love for Sarge and Hedgie come through with each and every story. I think she shares that same kind of love and devotion for her blogging buddies too. I'm grateful everyday that she somehow found her way into my life.

Karen ^..^ at The Pitfalls of Life is another terrific writer. Even through some very difficult and trying times, her optimism is unending and inspirational. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and shares them with us, giving all of us a glimpse into her inner soul. This award goes to a remarkable woman who is brave enough to share so much of herself with all of us.

Joe at Practically Wisdom is practically hilarious. His wit, charm and downright comic outlook on the vagaries of life make me smile each and every time I read his blog. He seems to have a bit of trouble with ladders and has some sort of fetish involving shrimp trucks and berets, but I like him a lot. I some day hope to sit down with him over a cold beer at the Golden Banana or a large extra/extra at Dunkin' Donuts.

Jennifer at Writing to Survive is my soul sister. Our lives have seemed to parallel each other, each struggling though traumatic times in childhood which we struggle to understand and cope with to this very day. We both moved to the Bay Area around the same time and use our blogs to work through the thoughts, fears, and uncertainty in our lives. I think we likely understand each other much better than the other thinks and we draw upon each other for inspiration and hope. She paints a vivid picture with her words and I have learned so much from her writing that I use in my prose.

There are a lot more people who deserve recognition that I adore. I'm sure someday this award and many more will find there way to you as well.


just bob said...

Thanks Megan. Annieha already gave you one of these so I didn't duplicate it.

Leah said...

I must say, your comments about me are just really really bolstering to my spirits!!! Your words mean a great deal. For reals, back at you.


j said...

First of all -- congratulations! I think you're a good writer and have an excellent sense of pacing, with stories that can be funny and poignant. You deserve this award!

And thank you for both the award and the really wonderful write up! Have I mentioned lately how glad I am that we found each other across the blogosphere? One of the things that I admire about you is this community you've created here, with a very loyal group of supporters. I feel like I pop in and out of it, sometimes on the edges, but I'm still a part.

You've also got me intrigued about some of these other blogs ... Karen is a good friend and I look forward to reading the others.

Karen ^..^ said...

Thanks Bob!!! You are beyond sweet with what you said, and it warms my heart that you actually feel this way about the way I write. Thank you.

I also love what you said about Jennifer. She is truly gifted, and really stirs the emotions with all she writes about. She's amazing, and I am honored just to be included in the same blog post as her.

I hope you know just how good a writer you are, whether it be heartfelt deep emotion you write about, or satire, or sarcasm. You totally rock it out, and definitely deserve this award. Congrats, and thank you!!! Yay!!

Karen ^..^ said...

Oh, crap!!

Leah is one of my newest blog buddies, and I absolutely agree with you about her!!! She is the coolest, sweetest girl, I just love her. Plus, she has amazing smelling hair. I know this for a fact.

Leah said...

@Karen--lol! You're right, my hair smells fabulous!

See Bob, I'm back to read what you wrote about me...again...

Megan said...

I like that you called my sister 'Bacolicious' -- and I like that she awarded you. You are a superior scribbler!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob!

just bob said...

Hi RC... you should drop by Suzanne's blog. We're ransacking the place while she's on vacation.

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan
Hi Bob
Hi Leah
Hi Jennifer
Hi Karen

1) What?

2) Congrats to all the winners!!! This is a terrific award and Bob, I loved reading what you wrote about every recipient. TRUE. TRUE. TRUE. Most are dear friends and I love them. I'm looking forward to getting to know the others. What a wonderful post.

3) Dunkin' Donuts. What do you think about their coffee? I saw an ad today and am considering buying a bag. Worth it?

4) Where the hell's RC? And yes, please ransack the place! I'll put out some drinks and cupcakes. While you're there could you prune a rose or two? If at least one is pruned a day, the garden should be good to go by August!

Bob, this is really lovely. I enjoyed what you wrote about everyone. And congrats on your award as well. You deserve it.

Much love,

kylie said...

you're a star bob !!!
congrats, well done & cheers

take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob..

Well done for your award- well-deserved, I'd say, judging (and I don't judge people) from your comments I have read!

please tell Suzanne there is a 'message' for her on my blog,

just bob said...


There's a message for you over at Cinnamon's blog.

Suzanne said...

Well you know I'm here because you track the freakin' crap out of me. Okay. I'm on my way to Ms C's blog to see what's up, but just want you to know I just came from Ms. K's blog. What a hoot. You're funny Mr. Sunshine!!! You're a funny, funny man. And I love you.


Suzanne said...

Bob, can you do me a favor and let me speak to Cinnamon. Thanks.

Cinnamon, I can't comment on your page. It's Google and it's simply impossible. I have no idea why, but just so you know, I always come to read and just can't write. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. They're beautiful. You know me, they're dear to my heart and having friends who love and appreciate what I hold most dear and who love me nearly breaks my heart. I know how lucky I am. I do. Thank you my dear, dear friend. Thank you.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bob, to take over your comments page to speak to Suzanne.

Suzanne, take your time for those 'repairs' but looking forward to seeing you back :)

Practically Joe said...

Hello Bob ... Thank you so very much for the award and your kind words. Reading what you said has helped me to jumpstart myself back to blogging since returning from my vacation.
I missed you and all your friends.
That bottle of expensive beer or inexpensive cup of coffee could be easily arranged ... whenever you fancy.