Sunday, May 3, 2009

My new pal Biggsy

As you've probably noticed, things have been mighty quiet around The Essence of Bobness. Obviously there's not much going on in my life worth recording here for posterity's sake. Work, home, work, groceries, gas, home, work, home has been the routine for the past few weeks. That's ok I guess, better than coming here and reading me bitch, whine, or bemoan something that's going on (or not going on).

I've been playing a lot of EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 lately. Why 2004? Because I never bought any of the later editions and they don't make the 2009 version for PC's. (As an aside, this irks me. I don't intend on buying a Playstation, XBox 360, etc. just to play the newest Tiger Woods game.) In career mode, I've built my golfer up to the "Champion" level with some work left for "Master" level.

To tie up some loose ends:

  • I still have the Bite Me Lobster Socks. I haven't gotten around to building a new travel blog for them, so I haven't sent them out. I'll try to get something going on this.
  • I actually did drive thru Jack in the Box yesterday to try the MSB's. (I'm not allowed to use the words because Megan will scold me again.) The commercial is clearly better than the product, but they are not too bad.
  • I have an appointment with my cardiologist for a treadmill test this Thursday and a follow-up with my primary care physician a week from Monday. I never thought I'd have a cardiologist before I was retired. I'm guessing they'll tell me a) there's nothing wrong with me internally, b) lose some more weight, c) it's safe to exercise, d) quit smoking the weekly cigar.

Finally... I have a new pal named Biggsy. He's green, tiny, and I get to see him every morning. A mutual friend introduced us almost a month ago. He's doing a great job helping me get through the day. When things get a little rough for me during the day, I say to myself "come on Biggsy, help me out here." I think he helps. Sometimes I wonder if Biggsy is stifiling my creativity though, hence the lack of blogging. But so far, the positives have outweighed the negatives since I met him. I'm guessing Biggsy and I will be a pair for some time to come.

Meet Biggsy (aka: Big-Z, aka: Zoloft)


Leah said...

Yay for Biggsy!

I'm a huge fan of psychopharmaceuticals when one needs them.

I'm telling the truth when I say my friend Lexapro--let's just call her Lulu--actually saved my life.

You know, I found this post entertaining!

merely me said...

I am in a munchy mode and eating everything in sight. Now I want Jack in the Box. We don't even have one here. Darn.
I'm with Leah for the entertaining part. You always do well. Now Happy Almost Birthday, darn it!

Leah said...

and p.s. I know I'm repeating myself with what I said above (not the "you're entertaining" part, you know, although that bears repeating too)...

Suzanne said...

Hey you. Glad you've found a friend in Biggsy. Don't worry about the lobster socks or the blog. We'll still be here tomorow! And the next day. Oh, and the day after that.

Love you darling. Glad you're hangin' in there.


Cece said...

When you mentioned that he was little and green, I was thinking that you got a pet lizard. But little green pills are nice too!

Karen ^..^ said...

Good for you, killing that game and getting out of it what you can so you don't have to buy a ridiculously overpriced gaming system.

Great post. Glad the meds are doing what they should, with minimal side effects. Hope all continues to go well.

Oh, and happy birthday, Bob.

Leah said...

I see Sexy has found you too!

Suzanne said...

Sexy. That's funny. I can't stop laughing. Seriously, I can't.

I stopped by to say thanks for your kind words last night. You helped a great deal. I suspect my life is going to be a bit of a roller coaster ride the next few months, but with friends like you, I should be fine.

Again, thanks, and Happy Birthday.

Much love,
Blottie XO