Friday, November 20, 2009

Please Stand By

The Essence of Bobness is taking a hiatus during the big move to the Great White North. Things will return to their semi-abnormal, but more positive, routine once I get settled.


kylie said...

somehow i saw that one coming....

i hope it all goes swimmingly for you and you come back larger than life :)

Merely Me said...

Have Fun!

Gig said...

Safe travels...see you when you are settled. :)

Leah said...

All best wishes for the exciting move! Look forward to hearing about your adventures!


Mr. Shife said...

I have seen your updates on Facebook but just wanted to stop by the Just Bob Blog to say hello. Hope everything is going well and the Great White North isn't too cold.

Merely Me said...

Knock Knock!

Suzanne said...

Lazy bastard!

kylie said...

missin ya bobby

just bob said...

Alrighty then... check out the new stuff.