Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Salute to The Captain

I said my good byes to The Captain last night. He's a reservist in the US Army and will be going away on training my last week of work. There are many people I won't miss when I leave California, but I don't think I'll ever forget The Captain. One of my employees, he truly is a super co-worker and more importantly a wonderful human being. He is always reliable, professional, a great leader and mentor for the part-time workers in his department. He has a tremendous personality and a terrific teacher for the younger staff. In fact, I wish some of the older employees could have followed his example and demeanor.

The Captain will be shipping out overseas following the holidays, bound for Iraq or Afghanistan. With the uncertainty of our direction in those two wars, it could be either of those. It will be his second tour to the Middle East and he leaves behind his wife and 10 year old daughter once again in defense of our country. With his usual preparedness, the people The Captain manages at work are already prepared for his absence. Youngsters of college age growing right before my eyes ready step right in and take the reins of the department with vigor and enthusiasm. He's transformed many lives in just the short two years I've known him.

He's promised to stay in touch. We've traded email addresses. On his way out the door, The Captain told me to be careful and wished me well in my new life. I reminded him I was just going to Minnesota and won't have enemies lobbing bombs, grenades, and bullets at me. In his reliable sense of humor, he turned and said "Don't worry, I'll duck." I gave him a big hug, and slap on the back and assured him, "I know you will."

I'll miss having The Captain around, and even as busy as life is going to get I'll never stop worrying until he comes home safe in 2011 or sooner. A salute to The Captain, everything you could ever want in a soldier representing this country.


Merely Me said...

*wipes tear from eye*

Suzanne said...

Bob, That's so beautiful. I wish he could read it, but I'm sure he already knows. You're a wonderful friend to him my darling Bobness. And to all of us. XO

Mr. Shife said...

Thanks for sharing Just Bob. The Captain sounds like a great guy and I am proud and thankful he is serving our country. And it sounds like The Captain is grateful to have a good friend like Just Bob.

kylie said...

i dont know what to say bob.....

you're a good friend

take care eh?