Thursday, January 21, 2010

Because Annie asked...

Yesterday Annie asked on Facebook... "did your blog die?"

Well, the answer to that is not really. Work has not only kept me busy, but very content as well. I guess I used my blog for the past year + to blow off steam and bitch about things. Somehow it doesn't really seem all that fair that the 10 faithful readers haven't been able to share in the good things as well.

Last night, again on Facebook, I posted the status update, "Today is one of those days I feel very fortunate and thankful." Having spent the past three days at our corporate meetings, I was struck by how lucky I am right now. I'm working with a great company and people whom I like and respect. Spread out all over the country, they are a great group and I can't wait to get together with them again in either July or August. I'm working in a wonderful little town on a fantastic project. It's a place I can see myself spending the second half of my life. I'm fulfilling one of my career goals of opening my own building. It's something I've always wanted to do and I get to do it in a place I want to live with a company with which I truly enjoy being involved. I've been able to stop hanging out with biggsy, and would suspect that once I finally get to see a doctor up here that I'll probably find out that my blood pressure has dropped back to an average level.

So, this blog isn't dead. But I won't be posting as frequently as I once did... especially until after the new building opens in October. I haven't been keeping up with your blogs either... for which I do apologize. With a winter storm rolling in this weekend, it looks like I'll be staying in and catching up. If you're a Facebook friend, I'll see you over there. If you're not, why the heck aren't you? Click here and befriend me!


Megan said...

I'm glad your blog is still alive. Stay inside this weekend and keep warm!

a. said...

before I even read this I have to say, I clicked on the link to your blog and while it was loading I thought to myself, "C'mon, Bob! For me!"
Okay, going to read post now.

a. said...

yay! we like happy bob!

Anonymous said...

HI BOB! I knew you'd find your place.

Suzanne said...

Huge exhale. I'm so happy for you Bob. You too Annie!!! XO

Cece said...

I'm trying to breath some life back into my blog as well. So slip on over there and read about porn. We need a man's touch there anyway.

Megan said...

My reader doesn't show this post as existing - is that because your blog is private now?

Merely Me said...

See? I'm late! But better late (or not often) than never!
So thrilling to hear the good news!

Leah said...

I am so happy for you, Bob!

Megan said...


just bob said...


Megan said...