All I can say today is WOW...After Representative Michele Bachmann dug up the ghost of Joseph McCarthy last night on MSNBC's Hardball, the out pouring from all the
liberals, leftists, Anti-Americans, Democrats across this country has been awe inspiring. According to CBS News, over $400,000 has been donated in the last 24 hours to Elwyn "El" Tinklenberg, her Democratic opponent for the 6th District seat in Minnesota. To quote Tinklenberg Campaign Manager Anna Richey:
"It's overwhelming," said Richey. "I've gotten 600 e-mail messages into our info e-mail account in the last 12 hours. People are outraged." She said a number of the e-mails decried Bachmann's call for the investigation as modern-day McCarthyism. "People shared personal stories of how their parents were discriminated against" during that time, said Richey. The messaes, she said, came from "Republicans, Democrats, people who professed to be out of work and struggling economically but wanted to give what they could."Consider making a donation at
Updated: Only 75,000 people were in attendance for Obama's rally in Kansas City later in the day. Come on folks, you've got to work harder if you want to keep up with St. Louis!
It's been a WOW kind of day. There is a renewed spirit and energy in this country. If you look back just four years ago... John Kerry never could have attracted that many people to a campaign rally. Although I don't know for sure, I'd bet no one raised $400,000 in 24 hours when Kerry started getting swift-boated. But now is NOT the time to relax. Now is NOT the time to get complacent. Now is NOT the time to assume this is all wrapped up. Keep spreading the word, keep volunteering, keep dispelling the myths, rumors, and outright lies, keep working to get the change this country needs. Most importantly... VOTE!!!
But this campaign doesn't end November 5th. From the beginning of his campaign, he has always said "Change does not come from Washington, it goes to Washington." We are responsible for creating the country we want. Our President, Senators and Representatives are there to help... but it is up to us.
Yes, things are looking up! I am so looking forward to voting this year!
God, you're so sexy when you're smart! What?!
GREAT post. And honey, you're preaching to the choir. Did you notice? By the way, I just returned from my favorite corner store and I simply adore the Indian guy who owns it. We actually discussed the election, voting and the economey. He said "We need a change." He also said "I just hope people vote." Me too. I know I've said this before, but you wouldn't believe the number of Obama/Biden signs on lawns in our neighborhood, nor the number of bumper stickers I see every day. It really is amazing. Also inspiring. Hopefully they will all translate to votes.
One more thing. The Frannie/early morning comment the other day. Just so you know, Frannie is a prolific writer. She's retired and writes for a slew of magazines. She's smart, funny and wonderful and somehow manages to live a life, write and communicate with all of us to boot! I know you'll enjoy this. She worked for Bobby Kennedy. Her husband is a retired Justice Dept. lawyer. A good one. When I get my blog roll back up, she'll be there. Pay her a visit. You'll enjoy youself. How do I know? Because Rob just loves her to death. Calls her for fun!
Love you dear,
Blottie XO
Did you notice how I spelled economy? That's too funny. Why the hell don't I edit before I post?
You'll also enjoy "yourself" if you haven't already enjoyed "youself."
Of course I'm laughing. God I try.
Your blogs on this are always inspiring to me. I honestly feel smarter after reading them. Thanks! :)
Jennifer... I think we all are!
Blottie... I know I'm preaching to the choir, I just hope someone undecided stumbles by and is influenced.
As I've said before... it's easy to seem sexy when you don't have to look at me.
PrincessB... Say hi to Rupert for me!
Oh stop it. I've seen your photo. You're a good lookin' guy. Knock it off. Did you stop by Brian's blog and read the post I recommended? Hope so.
XO Blottie
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