Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The "A" part of Q & A

Apparently there will be no more questions so here goes.

1. Paco
asks... Where do you like to scratch?

Hola Paco. I like to scratch where it itches. I also like to scratch in public because that really turns on the ladies.

2. Annie Ha asks... What is your favorite thing about the city in which you live?
The weather. That's the only thing good about it.
3. Annie Ha
also asks... When is the last time you wore a tuxedo?

I've never worn a tuxedo in my life. I hope to keep it that way.

4. Robyn
asks... What is your all time favorite comfort food?

My mother makes a casserole with ground beef, egg noodles, and mushrooms that is to die for. I don't know if it even has a name, but she makes it every time I go home to visit.
5. Robyn
also asks... And when was the last time you went out on a date?

January of 2008. As you can see, I've given up.

6. Leah
asks... What's your favorite holiday and why?

Technically this is two questions, but I'll let it slide given Suzanne's list of inquiries. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. That is because it was generally the only holiday that both my parents had off from work at the same time. They both worked for the telephone company and more often than not one of them had to work the other holidays. Oh yeah, I really really like turkey too.
7. Leah
also asks... What was the best gift you ever got?

A few years ago my employees got me a Sirius Satellite Radio kit for my car. The fact that it was totally unexpected and that I had wanted one made it very special for me.

8. Merely Me asks... If you were to walk onto the "Jeopardy" (game show) stage of life - what five categories would make you say, "Woo Hoo! I got this one nailed!"
Golf Trivia, U.S. State Capitals, Animal House Quotes, M*A*S*H Trivia, Mental Illness
9. Merely Me
also asks... Who knows you better and why? Your friends, internet friends or family?

Again, this is two questions but here goes. My internet friends know more things about me than I suspect my family knows. That's because I wouldn't want to disappoint my mother.

10. Catscratch Diva
asks... If you could describe your absolute DREAM JOB, what would it be?

This question is ironic because Inner Voices posed it the other day. My dream job would be to caddy on the PGA Tour, preferably for someone who wins a lot of money.
11. Catscratch Diva also asks... Do you ever wish you could go back to your childhood/teen years?
Yes to my childhood years, no to my teen years.

12. Chasing Libby
asks... Would you rather be told i want you or i need you? (got this from another blogger, but i find it interesting)

First off, thank you for de-lurking Libby. I've never been told either "I want you" or "I need you" unless you count "I want you to get away from me" or "I need you to go now." If I had to take a guess, I'd prefer to hear "I want you" but never will.
13. Chasing Libby also asks... sausage or bacon?
Bacon, bacon, and more bacon.

14. Kylie
asks... Today i was reading about SSB, secret single behaviour: things you do when you're alone. air guitar seems popular with the blokes. whats your SSB?

Hi Kylie. I talk to myself... a lot. Like everyone else, I sometimes get tired of hearing me.
15. Kylie also asks... smile or wink?
Hi Kylie. I'm not sure about this one. If you're asking about me, I look even dorkier than normal trying to wink so I'll say smile. If you're talking about what catches my attention, Sarah Palin has pretty much turned me off to winking the rest of my life, so it is smile again.

16. Kookaburra asks... Do you pick you nose when driving in your car?
Yes, and from my travels so do a lot of other people.
17. Kookaburra also asks... Which sock do you put on first?
The right, followed closely by the left.
18. hnter1018 asks... If you could have someone back in your life who would it be and why?
My father. He was killed when I was only 12 years old, so I didn't get to know him as an adult. There are many things messed up with me and I believe a lot of them would never have occurred if he wasn't taken away from me so early in life.

19. whatigotsofar asks... Ginger or Maryann?
Easy one... Maryann.

20. Jennifer asks... Where do butterflies go when it rains?
Hmmm, tough one. Yahoo Answers seems to think they take shelter under rocks, window ledges, large leaves, etc. Personally, I think they hang out in seedy bars drinking hard liquor, shooting pool, and smoking Marlboro Reds.

21. Penelope (cat)/Karen (human) asks... What was the last book you read?
Fire Breathing Liberal by Representative Robert Wexler (D-Florida)

22. Karen ^..^ asks... What is your favorite food?
I love spaghetti. My mom's homemade meat sauce is magnificent.

23. Megan asks... What was your best-ever Christmas present?
Either the Sirius Radio (see above) or when my brother and I got an Atari system. There were so many games that you could never get bored and that thing lasted a long, long time.
24. Megan also asks... Would you rather stay up all night and watch the dawn or go to bed early so you wake up to it?
I'm an old man and generally can't even stay awake for David Letterman. If I could, I'd rather stay up all night to watch the sunrise.


Suzanne said...

Brilliant! Okay, so I see the way to your heart is through food!!! Megan honey, can you cook girl?

This is a wonderful post and thanks for letting us in a bit more. So sorry about your dad. I'm glad you feel safe here. I can't imagine any of us would ever let you down, so just talk and we'll listen. I actually think we're an amazing support system.

Love you darling.


Leah said...

This is fantastic. What a great idea for a post. Now I want everyone to do this! Would someone volunteer to go next?!

And I'm also very sorry about your dad. I still miss my own dad's guidance even though I'm supposed to be grown up...

Also, a good casserole totally rocks!

Karen ^..^ said...

Well, I'll just have to invite you over for dinner then, sometime. I just made a magnificent sauce and meatballs and sausage myself, just the day before yesterday.

Suzanne said...

Hummmmmmmmm...Karen's a possibility too. Things are lookin' up!!! Megan, you're going to have to fight for this one! Karen, you're going to have to fight for this one!

I'm redundant. I'm also hopeful.

;) Bob, open your heart.

Megan said...

Nice answers, Bob! I agree with Leah, everyone should do this, it's neat-o.

Suz, you crack me up. I don't think Bob wants to move to L.A. though, and I'm definitely stuck here four more years until the offspring graduates high school! But yes, I can cook. I am lucky that I still have my dad and he makes the bestest sauce in the world (Sorry, bob's mom). There's a funny story about Annie impressing her in-laws with that sauce...

Anonymous said...

Hello?! Anyone going to tell Bob he has to get the recipe for #4 and #22?

Bob, you need to get the recipe for #4 and #22.

Maybe Bob, being Bob, already has the recipes!

Megan said...

Oh, and Bob? I in no way meant to imply that losing your father was neat-o. You knew that, right?


P.S. My verif word is godspa. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Everybody always says Maryann.

Suzanne said...

Yes, why does everyone always say Maryann? Probably because she rhymes with Suzanne. We're very similar you know!!!

Oh Megan, Megan, Megan. What are your thoughts on Minnesota? How about you Karen, Karen, Karen? I see snow in someone's future!!! I see snow, right Bob? Four years is an adequate courtship period because it give Bob enough time to navigate a tux, a new sausage and meatball pasta sauce or Dad's award winning sauce in LA, possible step children, college tuition, oh, and a nice soft, smart woman. That'll do it. (Yup, she can write too!!!)

Bob, you forgot #4 and #22. Please, don't embarrass yourself. Good Lord young man, you have fans.

XO Blottie ;)

j said...

Funny and direct, with a revealing bit of life history.

I'm sorry to hear about your father. That must have been pretty devastating for your family.

And thanks for answering my silly question.

Suzanne said...

Honey, don't worry, we'll all be fine. I just need to find some answers. And I will. Then I'll be back.

Love you. Carry on!


kylie said...

hi bob

Suzanne said...

Hi Kylie.

hnter1018 said...

Very insightful Bob Thanks for taking time to answer our questions. Sorry to hear of your father.

If someone wants a volunteer I'll do it. I'll list it on my blog

Queen Goob said...

I went to leave some questions because not counting Suz it looked like you didn't have thirty yet,.....diabled. DISABLED!!! I was on vacation, dad-gum-it!

Actually, I really enjoyed this; what a fun idea. Thanks for being honest - as usual - we love ya, Bob!

By the way, the butterflies are a bunch of crazy drunk bastards but I love to party with them!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been out of it for a while. What's going on here and how do I get in on it? Where do I ask the questions or give the answers? See, like I said, OUT OF IT!!!

I posted this on Suzanne's blog but I'm also going to post it here:

I have to tell you, this is weird: I had a dream last night that all of us were at a restaurant (Suzanne, You, Cece, Zack, Queen Goob, Gig, and others but I don't remember their faces). We hugged and laughed and acted as if we've known each other for years. This dream felt SOOOOO real that I was sure it happened. And it does happen, every time we logon, read, comment, laugh, cry, pee our pants, or whatever...

Just wanted to say "Thanks" for being a friend.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your Father too...

just bob said...

Goob and RC... Since I only got 24 questions and 30 was my limit, both of you can add 2 questions each. Just go ahead and ask them here in the comments and I'll answer them.

just bob

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll ask a question:

Describe your dream life. What can you do to make one part of it real?

kylie said...

hey bob
my hi bob here yesterday was pretty lame after giving you a bollocking before that. sorry bout that. i'm prettty myopic right now.
i talk to myseldf all the time too, usually it stays in my head but sometimes i say/think something and cant figure out if i actually said it or not. it's usually the stuff that really needs to stay in my head!

Penelope said...

2. If the only good thing about where you live is the weather then you should move.

3. Tuxes are awesome. Very James Bond . . .

5. Please don't give up. It's not quantity or frequency but QUALITY. I've been on a kajillion bad dates and would rather say I'd only been on five great onees.

9. I don't see anything on your blog particularly "disappointing". What I see is the reality we all are experiencing on some level.

12. Oh Bob, Bob, Bob. . . you've got to see the glass half full more often.

13. Bacon rocks

14. I TOTALLY talk to myself as well when I'm alone, which is, well, often since I've moved.

18. Wow. I am so sorry. I've wondered about the fact that you don't mention your father. Now I know . . .

19. That's a relief to the ladies. Who can compete with Ginger???

24. I saw the sunrise on the Mediteranian in Nice. By far it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

just bob said...

#25 RC asks... Describe your dream life.

I wake up when I want to. The coffee is already made for me. I play 36 holes of golf. I eat an exquisite dinner prepared by someone other than me. I go to sleep and repeat the process the next day.

#26 RC asks... What can you do to make one part of it real?

Set the timer on the coffee pot tonight before going to bed.

Megan said...

Always, always get the coffee ready before going to bed. Learned that in me cradle...

Practically Joe said...

Bob, If you don't mind, I'll ask question # 27 ...
What is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced?
Sorry ... I can't seem to shake the subject of pain!

Suzanne said...

Huh? Yup, still here. Just read Joe's question. Answer, "Suze." Of course I'm laughing. This comment page is hilarious. God I love comment pages.

I gotta go to sleep. Long day. Hope yours was kind to you. Thanks for your support. Everything's fine, or will be. Just waddling through the muck at the moment, but have on my lovely English wadders, so feel safe.

Love you darling,
Blottie XO

just bob said...

#27 Joe asks... What is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced?

I've been relatively lucky. I have a bad lower back, probably from playing golf so many years. The day after Christmas about 5-6 years ago I was at work shoveling about two feet of snow away from our entry doors. I didn't warm up or stretch properly and my back seized up in spasms. I was knocked to my knees and literally could not sit down. I laid down on my office floor for a few hours before attempting to go home. It took me about 30-minutes to get seated in my car and the pain was blinding. I still don't know how I drove home that afternoon.

Mr. Shife said...

Great Q & A Bob. I think I would like to watch the episode of Jeopardy because those are some awesome categories.

Megan said...

Do I get another question because I'm stupid and asked a question that Leah had already asked? Or am I starting to push my luck too far?

just bob said...

OK Megan... one more question.

Megan said...

That was two questions! Ha ha! Gotcha!

just bob said...

Megan... no soup for you.

Anonymous said...

High Five to Megan - that was TOO FUNNY! Bob - your response was funny too.

To y'all on the other coast - we are getting covered (and fast) in snow!!!

Cece said...

You make me sad. You have such a good heart. If I were there, I'd give you a hug. You sound like you could use one, and frankly, I could use one too. So hug yourself for me, and I'll hug myself for you.

Cece said...

Here's my question.....
What is one thing that I could do that would make your life just a little bit happier?

Cece said...

Oh and can I apologize for my puking of the mouth in the comment section of your previous post. Will you forgive me? I was really have a bad day. Not that today has been much better, but I'm trying.

just bob said...

#28 Cece asks... What is one thing that I could do that would make your life just a little bit happier?

More doggy pics.