Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm sorry

I'm sorry I can't be the person everyone wants or needs me to be.
I'm sorry I can't make snap decisions on spending $250,000 without stopping to think about it.
I'm sorry I can't share each and every thing I am thinking all the time.
I'm sorry I can't be more open about the background information I have or I am getting.
I'm sorry I can't defend or advance every project, scheme, plan, or idea without looking it over.
I'm sorry I can't be a stronger person emotionally.
I'm sorry I can't be firmer with people when I should be.
I'm sorry I can't be braver and bolder.
I'm sorry I can't be the leader all of you need and disappoint you daily.


kylie said...

just decide that they are idiots and enjoy what you can bob.


Suzanne said...

I'm sorry I can't get that Boston Red Sox cap to you faster. But it's commin' darlin'!

I love you. I worry. Hang in there and know that the little green pill is going to probably kick in next week.

I love you baby.

Merely Me said...

You are wonderful.

And for that...I am not sorry!

Suzanne said...

Ah screw um. The Red Sox cap is yours. Rob just gave me the amen!!! Email your address handsome. Oh, and you have to take a photo to prove you recieved it!!! Preferable with lobster slippers!!! I'm actually gonna wash it first. I'll wash it in cold. Hopefully it won't run or shrink. It's been in the laundry room for months and is a wee bit dusty. You know, "my" Rob liked the hat, just not the size of the bill. He's VERY, VERY picky about hats! A bit too long for him, but you don't seem like the sort of guy who'll mind. It's a great hat. Please be sure to thank Hunter. He no longer has a blog, but if you leave a comment on mine or IV's, I think he'll see it. Love you darling. And I'm so glad this hat has found the perfect home. I knew it would.

All hail the Red Sox Nation! Yes honey, I know. I've been a fan a life time. I know it isn't obvious, but it's true.

Love you.

Cece said...

I'm sorry, but you don't have anything to be sorry about. Now go party at The Onion and Celebrate your Unofficial Official Birthday.

Suzanne said...

I just arrived to say the same thing. Screw this shit. There's a party for you at the WO. Happy Birthday baby.


Karen ^..^ said...

I think we are all in agreement that we all love you madly exactly the way you are, Bob.

Work is work. Nothing personal. It's hard, when you are a person who puts his all into everything he does, but not everyone is like that, and they are vampires, sucking more and more out of you. Stop giving so much, and they will have less to feed off of.

No need for sorry. There are a few of us (a lot, actually) who don't think you EVER need to apologize.

Life can sure smack you around, can't it? Laugh at it.

Megan said...

Have a beer, for chrissake.


CSI Seattle said...

I often feel the same way. Then I leave for work...

just bob said...

Thanks Kylie.

Don't worry about me Suze. I didn't know I was expected to be staff psychologist when I started here. I'm so messed up myself how can possibly help them?

Thanks merelyme.

I was just joking about the cap, but if you want to send it then I'll give you my address.

I'll head over to the party tonight Cece.

Karen everything you say is true, but I can't just "not give." All of you are my sanctuary, my safe haven from the office. I shouldn't burden all of you the way I do.

Can it be a root beer Megan?

CSI... I'm sorry.

a. said...

Sounds to me like you got nothin' to be sorry 'bout

Suzanne said...

God I love this place!!! Well, your wish came true even if you didn't expect it. The Boston Red Sox cap is REALLY yours (per Rob's memo)!!! Email your address dammit/damit. Make it your home address so I can stalk you if necessary! *Suze looks around for black clothes.* What? No I can't help it. I'm just made this way.

The comments are killing me. Now see, that's why Megan's going to make a good wife. Short, sweet and to the point. Me, I'd just be blah, blah, blahing forever! Drive you freakin' crazy! Brian. He has Rob's sense of humor. It kills me. I love smart, funny guys. Handsome's good too! This place is really like Cheers. It's the best place to be.

And Bob, I now realize I was wrong. All my life I looked up to my supervisors and bosses. I was probably more stable then they were!!

Blottie ;)

P.S. Thanks for this post. It took on a life of it's own and it's terrific. I hope you enjoy all your darlings friends. You're a lucky man. Love you.

Merely Me said...

Happy Birthday Bob!

Karen ^..^ said...

Um. Hey, Bob. Go back over to Suzanne's latest post and reread your comment to her.

Knock it off. You are NOT burdening us.

I know you can't not give. I'm the same way.

It's all about changing the giving, so that it is less drain on you. I don't know your particular situation exactly, so I can't say how to do that. But if you don't start simplifying HOW you give, they will suck your life's blood out of you. Emotional vampires. That is a group of parasites who feed off you without giving anything in return. Other, of course, than a paycheck. Sounds like the work isn't enough for them. They seem to want your soul, too.

Guard your soul, my friend. Any way you can.

