Tuesday, May 12, 2009

just baseboard


Megan said...

just so

Suzanne said...

Bob, that is too funny. Hey baby, have any idea what to do with mine??!!!

Suzanne said...

How the hell do you paint on carpet?

kylie said...

i call it skirting board

hi bob

Karen ^..^ said...

I take a good firm dustpan, hold it flush against the bottom of the baseboard, and paint, four inches at a time. If you do this, and are patient, and think of fun things while you do it, it goes pretty quickly, even miles and miles of it. Keep a wet rag nearby, for any smears or droplets, and wipe the dustpan off every so often...

Anonymous said...

It's so minimalist.

Merely Me said...

So wanting to post a picture of my ceiling. One shot could get three different colors and wood trim...no kidding.

Ree said...

And a very nice baseboard it is!

Suzanne said...

Karen, you're so cleaver. I've tried using a really wide blade. I forget what it's called. It's the big metal tool used for all sorts of things, including tile work. No go. I've tried paper: typing paper, printer paper and newspaper. I haven't tried a dustpan yet. I'll give it a go!! Oh, and following along behind with a wet paper towel? You're preaching to the choir sista. I gave up on that. Too messy and time consuming. I've resorted to going back and scraping the paint off with a painters 5-n-1 tool after it's dried. Unfortunately it tends to take the finsih with it!!! I swear, I can't win. Karen, why would someone butt molding right up against a wood floor?

Hey Bob.
Hey Kylie.
Hey Megan.
Hey RC.
Hey Merelyeme (spelled that wrong, but it's too funny to change!). Hey "You!"
Hey Ree.


just bob said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for putting up with my nonsense.

Suzanne said...

Bob, I wasn't able to exit, so had to just keep clicking to get out. I was double clicking like a wild woman and accidently clicked on the birthday blog! You are too sweet. Thanks. And honey, that's funny!!! *Suze gets on her PPT and can be heard mumbling all the way to the Wild Onion, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go again."*

Blottie ;)

a. said...
