Thursday, May 7, 2009

Theme Thursday: (Breaking) Wind


Reyjr said...

what's that smell...?

Karen ^..^ said...

LOL!!! Too funny! I like the cartoon guy with the sheepish grin.

Candie said...

Great sets of pictures!lol

Ree said...

Wrong. Just wrong.

But hilariously funny just the same (and yes, I am in 3rd grade)

The Clever Pup said...

Funny - I like "the benefit of farting explained" is that for real?

The word verification below is FLUTFI. I think I've coined a new word for gas.

Leah said...

Love it, love it, love it.

It's the perfect antidote to my rather grim wind post today.

I think you and Sarge are something of a match made in heaven...

and oh, my favorite is the t-shirt.

j said...

Very funny ... and now I'm reminded of my almost-four year old's shout after dinner (which is old news to my FB friends): "It's time for me to blast off, because this rocket is full of gas!"

Sorry, I couldn't resist. How many opportunities do I have to repeat that one?

Debo Hobo said...

whoever smelt it dealt it...LOL:)

Wings1295 said...

Very funny - love the pics!

Ronda Laveen said...

I liked the one instructing the warning of fellow passengers! Makes me wonder how bad the problem must be to warrant a bumper sticker.

Sandra Leigh said...

I'm speechless. almost. Where did you find that bus sign? It's hilarious.

Re Clever Pup's new word - my word is brimia. I think that's the underlying condition that causes FLUTFI.

Baino said...

Well someone had to do it! And as my old gran used to say, 'Where 'ere you be, let your wind go free . . .' and she did . .every time she bent over!

just bob said...

Well someone had to do it!And I'm just the right guy for the job.

The Silver Fox said...

Finally! Someone who took today's theme seriously.

Megan said...

Well, I guess somebody had to go there...

Megan said...

Whoops. Didn't read the comments first. Bad me, and good Baino!

New Yorker wannabes said...

That was...smelly lol lol


just bob said...

Hi Megs! Pull my finger.

Tom said...

outwardly i am disgusted...laughing on the inside...oops, i laughed a little too hard.

Suzanne said...

Probably the only one here who read Arthur the Farting Dog. Yup did while standing in the children's section at Barnes and Noble. I love children's book.

You're hilarious Bob.


P.S. Thanks

Dakota Bear said...

I think you blanketed the subject.

Suzanne said...

Okay, wedding's on!

Suzanne said...

Yes, I did read that "pull finger" thing. It's official. It's on. And I'm going to give you fair warning. You two better knock of yankin' my chain. I have a damn career to resurrect and I can't do that AND plan this damn wedding at the same time if you two are foolin' with me. (I used damn twice in the same sentence. Hummmmmm. I think it sounds okay.) Yes, this is just like PBS...Fair Warning.

The Wedding Planner

Suzanne said...

Oh, one more thing. I love all the comments. Yup, read every one. Just as my blog is closing shop, yours is amping up. That makes me so happy. So many new faces. You know I'm smiling.

I love you darling.

Blottie XO