Monday, May 18, 2009

The who cares test

Sunday afternoon I spent almost all afternoon working on my resume. I devoted a good four hours to writing, revising, contemplating, adding, subtracting, re-adding and re-editing. I had sent my old version to a trusted friend earlier in the week and she gave me a great deal of awesome advice. Since she had been out looking recently, I figured her input would be timely. I had not overhauled my resume for about 10 years, and having a fresh set of eyes was very enlightening. For someone who has read thousands of resumes over the past ten years, it's amazing that I didn't notice the shortcomings and omissions that were right there on mine.

I think her best advice was to take a look at every line and see if it passes the "who cares?" test. I had never viewed it from that perspective before yesterday. How do I look at a record of my professional career and honestly evaluate whether if there are things that make people say "who cares?" Those accomplishments obviously mean something to me, but do they matter to anyone else? I found quite a few "who cares?" in there. But in working through it, I also uncovered a number of feats that should have been highlighted more.

Looking back at the entirety of my career to date, I noticed some things I wanted to accomplish aren't there. But even more importantly, I saw a lot of things I never would have dreamed I would be able to achieve. When I cut through all the crap, I was pretty darned impressed by the person on the paper in front of me. I would hire just bob if I was looking for someone with his skills and experience. For someone like me who has self-esteem issues, it was a great exercise to emphasize the good things without even considering the negatives. Hopefully the next person who reads it will think it passes the "who cares?" test too.


kylie said...

well, there you go!
well done.

my dad often told me to use an up moment like that as a springboard to get me through the next challenge. i'm not sure if i always follow it but it's great advice


Merely Me said...

Well done, Bob. Well done!

I was a little worried with the title of the post. A total, "Phew!"

Karen ^..^ said...

Very good, Bob.

I had to struggle with the "who cares" portion of my resume.

It's always good to let an impartial party review it and give advice on what to keep, what to play up, and what to scrap.

I'm keeping a good thought for you and sending all my good energy so that you can find a great job that is a great fit for you.

Leah said...

Kylie's dad's advice is great.

I'm so glad you got to see what we all see in you!

sounds like a good beginning for a new beginning!


Megan said...


Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

I publishing without proofing. That'show tired I am. If I come back tomorrow, read this and it's' horrible, it's gone!

Anonymous said...


I've done hundreds of resumes for family, friends, and even clients who didn't even know me (and they paid me too)!! The one commonality is people ALWAYS underestimate what they've done at previous jobs. After I rework their resumes, they tell me, "Wow, I'm awesome!" It's true. I'm so glad you got help and if you want a second opinion, let me know!

I bet you will soon hear from somebody about an interview.

Suzanne said...

This is too damn funny. Just as I was deleting RC was commenting. When I arrived there were seven, when I returned there were 8!! WTF? Timing couldn't be more perfect.

Look, it was late, I was exhausted after a long day and as promised I just reread it. GOOD LORD that was long! It was also messy. I hope you read it because of course the offer still stands. Now you have three professional writers who will critique your resume (well, officially one (RC), I still have to ask the other two!) for free. If you didn't catch my initial offer let me know and I'm comment again.

Bob, I got laughing at Target this morning. I walked in to buy toilet tissue and paper towels and didn't "need no damn" cart. I picked up the plus size package of toilet tissue first and tucked it under my arm. Rounded the bend and was so happy to discover the paper towel price had finally been "SLASHED..."

by a whole whopping 49 cents. I'm such a lucky girl. I tucked the 8 oversized rolls under my other arm and headed to pay my $20 f****** paper goods bill (I've calculated I spend approx $1,400 on paper towels alone each year). And there you were, down at the end of the isle with your coupon trying to figure on which oxyclean matched. You didn't see me, but I started to smile. I wanted to point and say "Bob, that one," but my arms were full. So I started to laugh. You turned and looked at me, so I just smiled and said "please excuse me" because we both couldn't fit in the isle with my arms full. I sucked his ass in and I made it. He thought I was laughing and smiling at that, but no, I was laughing because I thought he looked like you. You're actually taller than I remember. About 6'?!!! I walked out of Target still laughing and thinking "It's funny who you meet at the store, and he didn't even recognize me because he was too busy looking at my big bundles." Men. And yes, this is a very, true story.

Love you babe (Megan, don't worry, I don't mean that in the romantic way, just in the Wedding Planner way!) Hope you're having a good day. Talk to you soon.

XO Blottie

P.S. Hi to all my dear friends!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne!

Suzanne said...

Hi baby. RC, I can't write to you or anyone else at the moment. I've tried and delete everything (the one to Leah was a cryin' shame). I've been working way too hard the past few days and not getting enough sleep. I have to go take a nappie!! Seriously. I think I'm finally crashing, but I should be trimming the shrubs. I feel so guilty! I'll try to write soon sweetie. So nice to see your beautiful face and funny words.

Love you as always,
Moi XO

Suzanne said...

Oh, I made some obvious typos in all my comments. Bob, I'm tired beyond tired. I can also be a pretty crappy typist. Use your imagination.


Cece said...

Bob, now what have we been saying all along. And what have I told you about making a list of positive things about yourself. You see, a mom really does know best. Now, go over to my blog and make me feel better about myself. Do it now!!!!

Mr. Shife said...

Well that is good to hear, and hopefully someone will realize they need just bob on their payroll immediately.