Thursday, March 18, 2010

One more reason to love Bemidji

This is the Keg N' Cork Pub, located at 310 Beltrami Avenue here in Bemidji. It's a nice little pub, kind of old, but they serve a good lunch and a cold draft.

This is Brigid's Cross Irish Pub and Restaurant located at 317 Beltrami Avenue here in Bemidji. It's a little more on the Irish side, with more traditional Irish servings (Shepherd's Pie!) and either Irish music or European Soccer in the background.

Every St. Patrick's Day, including yesterday, Bemidji holds the "World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade." This year it started at the Keg N' Cork and ended at Brigid's Cross... a tremendously long jaunt of nearly 100 feet between the two Irish establishments. Last year, the parade started at Brigid's and ended at the Keg N' Cork.

You have to love a city coming together, closing off a city block, and turning out to see a parade that lasts all of 100 feet. Not quite like celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Boston, but the spirit of the participants are no less enthusiastic.


a. said...

I bet that I would not be wearing a short sleeve t-shirt if I were there right now.

just bob said...

Maybe Annie... it was almost 60-degrees.

Merely Me said...

Oh my hilarious! Love the parade from "here to there".
We have eaten Shepherd's Pie and corned beef all stinking week. I am going veg (again) next week. Whatever. Tomorrow!

Suzanne said...

I'm laughing too hard. I'll take the 20 hour flight to get to the 2 minute parade next year!!! Okay...maybe.

So happy to see you happy. The biggest hug. Lots of love.

Hi Annie!
Hi MM!

kylie said...

hi bob!
a 100 yard parade is a grand thing, not so long to wait for refreshments at the end :)

just bob said...

Not 100 yards.... 100 feet (30.48 meters)

kylie said...

even better :)