Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We all have certain habits we'd like to get out of our lives. Whether they be something as simple as nervously twirling hair or constantly tapping a pen during a particularly boring meeting, I'm sure we all try to stop doing these unconscious things but occasionally fall "off the wagon" and slip.

The last couple of days I've fallen off of a few wagons. It's amazing how one slip can lead to other slips in other areas. All of the sudden you are careening downhill faster than Lindsey Vonn on an Olympic ski run. Just like a skier sometimes you make it to the bottom safely, and sometimes you don't. Or sometimes, like yesterday, you end up somewhere in between... not completely unscathed but not totally wrecked.

Fortunately, when you land here in Bemidji it's a lot softer and a more comfortable environment than my last stop. Here you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the race. Back there, you get kicked while your down and have manure piled on to make sure you don't get up without the stench to remind you.

So the sun rose today, with all of the junk of the past two days forgotten. Time to look forward again and not behind on the faults and failures. There is too much work to do, and too many positive things right now to wallow amongst the negatives which will always be there. Some things I can't control or change, so I'll set them aside. The returning hurt and disappointment will fade back into its corner of my mind, replaced by the here and now.

The show must go on...


Suzanne said...

I love you. You know that. I'll never leave you, nor will any of our other friends. I'm so confident we're an amazing team. That we'll always love and support one another. I'm sure it's a lot of stress, but you're where you should be. Embrace this time of your life and know we're all here to catch you when you feel as if you're falling. I love you so.

Merely Me said...

..only you can make falling off the wagon so appealing...