Friday, April 2, 2010

Lesson time?

I'm currently advertising to hire two more employees for my management team. In all of the ads placed, it clearly states: "Phone Calls and in-person visits will not be accepted." This is Bemidji... it's a small enough town that people think they can just drop by, sit on down, and chat a while. That may work in some instances (Good afternoon Mr. Mayor), but not 10 people a day looking for jobs and an on-the-spot impromptu interview. That may seem a little harsh, but it has worked so far.

Until yesterday. I was out of the office for a portion of the morning/afternoon doing "Listening Lunches" for the Bemidji Youth Advisory Commission at the local High School. I enjoy talking about the Event Center and they were a willing audience so I did three sessions for about a total of 60 students. While I was gone, an enthusiastic job applicant, let's call him Little Caesar, stopped by to drop off his resume. If he had left it up stairs with the receptionist I would have been totally cool with that.

But no... in addition to the resume he brought two medium sized pizzas and used my post it notes (which he would have had to pick up off my desk) to leave the message: "Enjoy the Pizza, Little Caesar". Obviously this was a bribe to win my favor. If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, it is not the way to get a job on so many different levels.

1. He did not follow directions by showing up. What does that say about what kind of employee he would be if he's already blown the first directive for the position?
2. He brought two pizzas. Does he think I eat two medium pizzas in one sitting, especially for lunch? Is he saying I'm fat and need two pizzas to satiate my cravings?
3. He brought cheap, crappy pizza. If Little Caesar had brought Dave's or Keith's pizza, it would not have been any more acceptable but at least it would have shown he has good taste.

Well, at least the guys next door at the Fire Department enjoyed the surprise for lunch. But here's the question.... Do I let the kid know he royally screwed up by not following directions or do I let it slide and let him get the standard "Thanks for applying" form letter as everyone else at the end of the job search? This could be a good learning opportunity for the college-aged young man. But do I have the time or motivation to be a personal life coach for this lad?

Any thoughts???


Suzanne said...

Hire his ass.

just bob said...

You'll never get to be my Executive Assistant using language like that ;)

Merely Me said...

WTF!? If he is comfortable breaking the rules now...or thinking that the rules don't apply for him...
Maybe an email or a phone conversation finding out how he heard about the job? Sometimes it can be a word of mouth thing and he didn't know that pizza should not be a player?
Who allowed him access to your desk? That might be more troublesome...kind of creepy the whole thing.

kylie said...

he got noticed

just bob said...

MM... he previously inquired about employment, so he got information and job description from me... no excuses.

Kylie... he did get noticed, sort of like the steaming pile of dog poop in the driveway when you don't own a pet.