Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For Suzanne

For Suzanne... here is the full size photo. Ignore the thinning/balding spot on the right.


Suzanne said...

Bob, that is so not funny. Where the hell's your belly? Where the hell's you're grey hair? When this posted I was on the horn with Cece and we were laughing. We thought it was some 15 year old. Bob, who the hell are you. Are you some 15 year old just fucking with us? If so I'm coming to San Jose and I'll wring your little fucking 15 year old neck. No. I'm not kidding.

And if you aren't a 15 year old and look that good, what hell are you worried about? You look terrfic. You have hair, no belly that any of us can detect, and you aparently are well groomed. You're sexy!!!


Suzanne said...

Only the really bold call me Suzanne. If you weren't marrying Megan I might have to yank ya. Bob, you're prettier than you realize.

The Wedding Planner

Karen ^..^ said...

Wow, man... That is one hell of a double cowlick you've got going on. Not a bald spot, either. A part. Due to the cowlick.

You have a nice back of the head too.


Suzanne said...

Bob, Karen's comment is hilarious. I looked closer. Yup, double cowlick. Would you like some salt to go with that?

Megan said...

Hi, Bob!

Leah said...

Hedgie has a double cowlick too!

And yes, your head of hair is totally youthful. Very nice.

Leah said...

Megan, you and I are here at the same instant!

Suzanne said...

Wee-Wee, I've tried moderation. I don't know what the heck you're talking about. Okay, I'll look again. If I find it meet me over there. I'm the one with the pony tail.


Suzanne said...

We're all here at the same time. What the hell's up with that? Bob, you're either one lucky man or we're three stupid broads. Hummmmmmmm.

Suzanne said...

Leave it to Leah to find the right words. "Totally youthful." What? Of course I'm laughing. What? Bob, that's just funny.

You ever put that fat bellied man back up I'll come down to San Jose and kick your ass. Look at you. You're beautiful. Nice tan by the way. Playing golf? Yes, of course I watched the BO. Yes of course I wanted Tom to win. HUGE Tom fan from way back. Okay, so it's official: You look good, you have a nice tan, you have a double cowlick, you're losing weight at a rapid rate and you're about to marry a beautiful woman. Life is good. And I am so proud to be your wedding planner. Let's go for a classic tuxs. Okay? Oh, and I insist on the second dance. We'll photograph well with my one thin arm.


Suzanne said...

No dippy do-da, I'm here. Leah's been in the South to damn long Bob She's going all marshmellow on me.

Tess Kincaid said...

Nice self portrait there.

Suzanne said...

He refers to me as "Suzanne."

Bob, I love you.

Suzanne said...

I agree with Willow.

What? I'm just here to bust your balls.