Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The handwriting not on the wall

Because Leah tagged me...


Leah said...

I've found lately that hand writing something slows down my thinking too. Thanks for doing this! I find it fascinating to see people's writing.

Merely Me said...

(Teacher Voice) Interesting. Very interesting.

Karen ^..^ said...

LOL, Me too! I can get my thoughts organized much faster while typing with both hands!!! Thank God I can hit that backspace key without even looking!

You are so funny, Bob. Get this over with... *snicker*

Megan said...

Hi Bob!

Ree said...

I love seeing people's writing...I may do this myself.

just bob said...

Leah... glad I could fascinate you!

Merelyme... Interesting? Really?

Karen... Aww thanks Karenific

Megarific... Hiya sunshine

Ree/Hotfessional... give it a go, and tell them I sent you!

Suzanne said...

I haven't been around for a few days and this is my first comment. "Hi Bob!"

First, your writing looks almost identical to my brother's. How odd. No, I'm not kidding. Almost identical. Yes, I have hand written letters to prove it.

My family and friends still love sending cards, letters, little notes, etc. We still love snail mail and use it as often as possible. Why? Because there's nothing more comforting than picking up the mail and seeing an envelope with love all over it. Literally. My sisters are notorious for caking their lips with red then kissing the envelope just for a good laugh, but also to express love. Can we email, call, etc.? Of course. Do we? Of course. But, there's nothing like a real letter because a hand written note can be brought to the face and inhaled. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. It's real. It's the essence of a person you love very much and their personality shines through in long hand (and usually their perfume!). I do love it so.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Writing long hand = STICKERS!!!! My darling friend Renee in LA, all my sisters, nieces and other friends slap the hell out of an envelope with stickers. We find great joy in that. Oh, and almost forgot. Heart confetti. Don't even get me started. I used to include it in all my notes and cards. My mom would be on her knees trying to rescue every single one, but my sisters, brother and friends would be cursing me as they vacummed. God those where the good old days!

In conclusion. Long hand. It's a good thing.

Love you darling and welcome back,
Blottie XO

Suzanne said...


Hi Leah!
Hi Merelyme!
Hi Karen!
Hi Megan!
Hi Bob!

XO ;)

Leah said...

Can't I be an "ific" too?

Ach, I guess it wouldn't work with my "h."

a. said...


Suzanne said...

What the hell are they talking about?

Oh, now I get it...Leah, they're getting married. That's how they address one another. Unless you're part of their 3-some, I don't think you should expect an "ific." You nutty girl?

I agree with lovely Annie, "boys."


Megan said...

Suz, gimme your address, I will promise to probably not send you something!

kylie said...

yes, i was a little jealous of the "ific", not to mention the "sunshine"

hi bob

Suzanne said...


You are welcome to my address any day. Get my email from Cece and I'll send it asap. Or just ask Cece. Or Bob. Or Kylie. Or Leah. Or Bindi. Or...I know, pathetic!!! Shut up. I'm leaving. And what am I mailing? You want something from me???!!!


austere said...

Interesting you've managed two distinct kinds of handwriting.neat.

Cece said...

I like the way people sign their names. I'll have to do this one now. Wait for it, it's coming to my blog real soon!

Suzanne said...

Cece didn't even say "Hi" to me. How rude. I'm not going to look at her handwriting...

Until Tuesday.

Suzanne said...

Bob, for one hell of a laugh, you gotta go look at my friend Otin's circa early 1980's home video taken by his mom. Trust me darling, you'll laugh. And then you have to read the comments if you can find the time. You'll laugh harder! Ahhhhhhhhhh, the 70's and 80's. Weren't they just the best?!!! Thank God we got to live them fully in unbreathable polyester.

Love you my dear and hope you're fine. By the way, you're closer to Carmel than me. Do you want the tickets to the Bach Festival? I'm serious. I'd hate to see them go to waste. You have to get back to me quickly however. I mean like tonight or tomorrow so I can arrange to get them to you before they expire. I'll even lend you my black sling backs and black dress for your blow up doll. The tickets can be faxed to you, so I'll need a fax number. I'm serious Bob. I can't go, it's an all day thing and I have animals to care for and a household to run, so I would love to see someone benefit from my misery! Please say "YES," or perhaps you know someone who would love to attend. Otherwise my tickets are just thrown into the wind and that seems like a shame for such a beautiful evening of music.

Let me know either way, okay?

Love you,
Blottie XO

P.S. Oh, excuse me, Blottie #1.

Suzanne said...

Hi Bob!