Tuesday, July 28, 2009


overserved: an individual who has had waaaaay too much to drink... transferring the responsibility for this drunkenness from the individual to the bartender. "Q"... you were really overserved last night.

I'm still making my way around the Internet... if I haven't gotten to your blog yet give me some time. Anyway, I'm back at the Abode of Bobness after four days at a conference in Boston. Of course, I returned to a shit storm at work but coped with it through my extreme exhaustion. Yes, these conference things are work, but I won't misguide you and give the illusion that it is all work.

Each day turned into night which turned into late night/early morning catching up with friends from around the country. From quiet coffee and conversations to four course client dinners to midnight cruises on Boston Harbor, it was a whirlwind that lasted many hours but not enough days. About the only thing I was expecting to do that didn't quite happen was a trip to Fenway Park for a Red Sox game. At least they won 3 of 4 games while I was there, even if I didn't get to go.

I made some new acquaintances that may become friends, helped out a damsel in distress that had her purse stolen, made some contacts that may help in the job search, was rudely awaken by a random false fire alarm, and took on some added responsibilities within a trade organization. I even learned a new term... overserved. It was refreshing, although tiring, being around a group of people I like, respect, and who have an appreciation for me. It boosts my spirits being around professionals, and makes me yearn to get "back in the game" with these people and escape my current exile. I laughed, I thought, I reminisced, I had a few too many drinks, and left with a renewed hope that there are people working behind the scenes on my behalf.

Overall... some good times with good people with good intentions. A welcome change from my current situation. I can't wait to take all of you with me when I join them back in the real world for more than four short days.


Karen ^..^ said...

Welcome home, Bob. Good to see you are back in blog land. Sad you are not still in Boston. You seem to really love it there.

kylie said...

interesting :)

hi bob

Alan Burnett said...

"overserved" Great word. I will add it to my personal dictionary. Thanks for an interesting blog.

Merely Me said...

Hi Bob!

Welcome Back - hope you weren't overserved!!!

The Peach Tart said...

That was a favorite saying of Mama and very common in the south. We would be sitting at breakfast and she would look around and say "I do believe I was overserved last evening".