Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Shipping Up To Boston

Be back in about a week... be nice to each other while I'm gone.


Megan said...

Now wait just a minute...

just bob said...

OK, but only one minute.

Suzanne said...

Now wait just two minutes...

You two have to visit "Otin," and "Un Mom." Please. Yes, I'm begging. You will laugh your ass off. Otin's at the top of my current comment page and Un Mom is a link on his current post. Please just trust me!!!

And Megan, what's a nice Blottie #3 doing with a pregnant man? *In frustration the Wedding Planner buries head in a bowl full of jello.*

Happy Tuesday you two and Bob, safe trip. Please don't eat too many beans, it just might put you over the edge. Well actually, on second thought, eat all the beans you like. It's better you explode on the east coast than in beautiful, sunny California.

Blottie #1

just bob said...

Blottie #1... I'm going to be at a conference, so no beans for me.

Suzanne said...

Oh God, that means you're bringing that back to California? Hopefully they'll stop you at the border. Oh, right, we don't have border patrol. Too bad this isn't Canada. You'd need a passport to get back in and they don't issue on short notice. You'd have to stay in Nevada. Good. Blow up there.

Happy conferencing, or whatever the hell you do at a conference. It takes a week to talk? Hell, us girls could get it done in a day without the hookers.


Karen ^..^ said...

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Have some yummy clam chowder and Maine Lobster while you're there!

Suzanne said...

I came here to look at hair, now RC made me hungry. What are we eating for dinner babe?

XO Blottie #1
P.S. Love the new photo. You look f****** 10 years younger. I'm not kidding. YOU GO GIRL. Man. Guy. You just go.

Merely Me said...

Do you have to buy two seats for your avatar?

Suzanne said...

Merelyme is a smart ass. A good smart ass!!! Look honey, I figured it out! A new avatar!!! Baby, what are we eating? I'm starving.

Suzanne said...

You're the voice of reason. Is it better to look at the front of my head or the back. Honestly.


Leah said...

Have fun in Boston Bob!

I guess lots of us are road trippin'...

kylie said...

i wish with all my heart i was road tripping!

have fun bob

Suzanne said...

I wish I was road trippin. At least someone would fuckin' feed me. Travelin' with you ain't no good.

Suzanne said...

I'm starving!!!