Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Still open, kinda

I haven't been a very good or enthusiastic blogger lately. I'm not really sure what's going on, but obviously it's not exciting enough to put into words for the world to read. For the 10 faithful readers over the past week, you certainly are a dedicated group.

Someday something will happen that you'll want to read about. It could be later tonight, this weekend, next week or next month... I don't really know. I'm reading your blogs, and commenting on most. I'm alive... just treading water, keeping my head above the waves.

By the way, just after noon today it was 12:34:56 on 07/08/09.

Hi Megan... Hi Blottie... Hi Leah... Hi Kylie... Hi Cece... Hi Karen... Hi RC... Hi Merelyme... Hi Annie


Cece said...

Hi Bob! You said Hi to nine people. Who was the 10th faithful reader you missed? I wouldn't worry about the blogging stuff, afterall, I don't think I've been doing that great at keeping people entertained either.

Anonymous said...

As long as you're open. That's all that matters.


Leah said...

Hi Bob--

well, my computer's half-broken damn the f!@#$ing thing, and yet I still posted a post tonight. I think that all that says is, well, "my name is Leah and I'm a blogaholic."


Megan said...

Hi Bob!

Karen ^..^ said...

Hi, Bob!!! I'm glad you're still open. Damn that facebook anyway, allowing us to say it all in just a few random words!!

Abi said...

Hi Bob, *waves a gigantic cheery wave*

kylie said...

i know the feeling...........

Suzanne said...

Cece sucks at blogging. I think the cheap orange dye she's using is killing brain cells. Hi Cece!

Random Chick. Look at her all happy. What is this joint, Cheers? And what's she drinking? And why's here hair always so perfect? Hi RC!

Leah. A blogaholic and can't even get clean long enough to give me the date to send Hedgie's Buddlia. Hi Leah!

Megan. She's a one note kinda girl. You know what I mean?! I can just see myself visiting her in L.A. *Door opens, "Hi Suze."* That's it. My favorite little entertaining host leaves me to twiddle my thumbs for two day. Hi Megan!

Karen. Where the hell's she find time for Facebook with men, hair, kids, pets, sex, rock-n-roll, vegetable gardens, etc.? You know what I mean? I'm in complete awe. Giggie told me tonight I should Facebook and expects me to be on tomorrow. Well, technically today. Maybe I'll just drop by to check out how few words a human being can actually use. Ha! Hi Karen!

Abi. I don't know Abi, but I can tell she's a sweetie. I'll have to visit. Have you notice Abi looks like Megan. Kinda interesting because as we all know, Megan's a freakin' painting. Well of course I notice stuff. Hi Abi!

Suze. What a pain in the ass. Hi Suze!

Bob. You know what I think the problem is? Not the office and all the idiots you work with, but maroon. I just don't think maroon is a healing color. You know me. I know color. If you want a few suggestions for a new color pallete, Facebook me. Oh right, I don't have a Facebook account yet. Okay, text me. Oh right, I don't text. Email. Oh right, I have too many emails to even bother looking. Well, there's always my blog. Blog me.

You know, pink is used successfully in prisons to calm nerves and create a completely serene environment (Leah being in law enforcement will back up the statistics). That is why riots never break out in prisons. Hi Bob!!!

Okay, that's 8. We just need a sleepy Australian, a sleepy mommy and Annie. That'll push you over the top.

And Bob, hang in there. I love you so darling even though you're marrying another woman and I saw you commenting on other blogs, but not mine. *Rolls eyes in head.* Men.

Love Blottie (aka The Wedding Planner)!

P.S. You'll have a good laugh. Giggie called tonight and left a message and addressed me as Blottie. Too funny! The woman's a hoot.

P.P.S. Love you. XO

P.P.P.S. Oh, and if Giggie shows up you'll be at 12! Mom just went to a hospice and hubby is successfully recovering from shoulder surgery. The kids and grandkids are still a pain in the ass, but she's starting to get out more. Make lemon drops. She can't resist. ;)

Suzanne said...

Took me so long to write that damn novella Kylie showed up. Look at her. She looks like she could kick my ass right out of Australia. She's like you, all moody broody today. I'm going to make some scones and a wee bit of English Breakfast Tea. You know how Australians love the English. And for you, I will make...


Suzanne said...

Hi Kylie!

Suzanne said...

I know, I'm back and know you know it. I logged on to Myspace, but wasn't sure it was where I was supposed to be, so had to return to be sure. No, I'm supposed to be on Facebook. Old age. Go figure.

XO Happy Thursday

Suzanne said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I just went to Facebook. I have to give all that personal info!!!??? I'm scared. Should I be scared? I don't even use my last name on my blog. I don't give my email unless someone begs!

You know, Rob said something interesting tonight. He's about to sit for the Florida Bar Exam and the Bar researches a lawyer to death. Rob would never have a social network because the Bar would read it. He has a professional legal blog, but it's all about brain injuries. He cautioned me against social networks, but said as an artist it's different. It might help my career. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm. What do you think? I'm not going to join today. I have to think about this. There are some high school friends I'm not sure about and some college guys I know will be looking. That just scares the hell out of me!!! But there are some friends I'd love to talk to, but have lost touch. Interesting. A dilemma. A crossroads! Bob, get back to me. Otherwise Giggie will be sitting by the computer waiting for my Facebook post all day tomorrow (today) and so will Shara. But Shara I'm not too worried about. She's so far up in the boonies of Northern CA she didn't have use of her cell phone or computer the past two days. I'm really not holding out much hope for the next five!


Kevin McKeever said...

We all have our quiet moments.

Merely Me said...

I fall somewhere b/w you and Leah. I post crap just to post! I feel like my three or four readers would forget me otherwise. ;)

Merely Me said...

...that wasn't saying any of you post crap - it means I am addicted and have to post just because.

Abi said...

Slightly scared someone noticed me hanging aboot, even more scared that is was Suze *crawls under desk* :D!!!!

just bob said...

Suzanne... I'd comment on your blog if you would leave a post up long enough for someone to read it before deleting it.

Suzanne said...

Not funny. Have you read all three? I didn't delete. They're in my archives. Not many people know you can archive your material. Rather than hit delete just hit "save" after you hit edit. Your post will stay right there on the "white page" with all your other posts. Isn't that remarkably simple? Yup, you can post it then not post it as many times as your little heart desires. I learned by accident and just love that feature. So yes, you may be seeing that Michael Jackson post in all it's glory at a later date because my sisters crack me up.

Okay Bob, excuse me, I have some business to take care of. *Pulls Abi out from under desk. "Woman, get over here you little dust ball you. Doesn't anyone vacuum under that thing? You can't hide under there on a regular basis because I have allergies and dust isn't a Martha Stewart "Good Thing." Ya know what I mean?"* Okay Abi, here's the truth. I'm a pushover, so you definatly don't have to hide or be scared. Ask anyone here! I also want to inform you I visited your darling blog last night and just love it, but there's one wee problem. You have a Google comment page. For some unknown reason I can't access a Google comment page. So we will have to chat here. Your blog is wonderful and your current post is terrific. There see? Was that so difficult young lady? Okay, good, now shove over, I need to find Merelyme. Just between you and me, that woman has become such a handful since having her baby!

Merelyme, you awake?! *Walks through front door, trips over baby blankets, baby toys, baby clothes, baby bottles, Merelyme baby and Merelyme dog. Says to Merelyme dog "Honey, take me to your leader." The Wee-One escorts Merelyme friend into Merelyme's bedroom. "Oh dear Lord. Baby, when's the last time Mommy showered? And dressed? Okay, you drag her in there and I'll start on the living room and laundry, diaper MiniMerelyme, feed and bath her, and while doing all that vacuum and dust the house. When you get done with Mommy can you please load the dishwasher because Merelyme Daddy should be home in about an hour and we have to make it look like Mommy really knows what the hells she's doing and we're just guests. Oh, and honey, can you cook? Daddy's gonna be hungry after such a long day. There's some hamburger helper in the pantry. No, there's no hamburger, we'll go vegetarian tonight. Just dump it all in the pan and wing it. *Suze looks in shower.* Merelyme Dog, Mommy's still sleeping!!! Okay, just dry her off, dress her and prop her up at the dinner table. We'll just talk a lot to distract him, okay, then Mini Merelyme should start crying and we'll be safe. Merelyme Dad shouldn't notice unless we turn on the lights. Okay, no lights tonight, just candles. You know romance and all. Or small flash lights. We'll call it "Mystery Night."*


a. said...

Hi, Bob!