Friday, May 23, 2008

I quit

I had a really good, positive posting in mind that would have gone here but that will have to wait for another time.

I quit (almost) #1: I came this close to quitting my job today. Without a backup plan or nest egg to land on, it would have been a huge mistake. It took me a few moments to mull over the benefits of homelessness vs. my shitty job, shitty co-workers, and right now shitty life choice. Reason won out. There's no guarantee that I won't wait till that next paycheck comes and a full month's rent is payed that I might not say fuck it. I hate these people, I hate how they're ruining a tremendous opportunity, and I hate what they do to my mental stability and ability to enjoy life. I'm not a religious person at all, but I'm going to pray tonight that the resume I sent out recently or the inquiries I've made amongst industry friends will yield an opportunity and get me out of this fucking hell hole.

I quit #2: I quit Elsie. Maybe the more accurate statement would be that I quit the hope of Elsie. It's a good bet, short of a miracle, that you'll never again read that combination of letters again on this blog. She is a great person. She's beautiful, intelligent, witty, entertaining, and down right sexy as hell. She truly is the only really attractive woman who's ever shown any interest in me. I've met some nice women, cute in their own way, but no one like her, ever. We were both in a place in our lives where we knew what we wanted, or didn't want, and somehow I thought they matched perfectly. I don't know if she ever really meant it when she said she wanted to get together again when things slowed down in her life. She'd always been honest with me before, so I took her at her word. But someone who can't put aside a few hours in over four months to even sit down for dinner and drinks isn't trying very hard. Someone who won't even return a "how you doing?" message isn't trying at all. I read a quote on a blog last night (I'm so sorry I don't remember which one, they really deserve credit for it): "Don't let someone become a priority in your life if you're only an option in their life." It's clear I'm not even an option. She was my lone light in this now horrific choice to move to California, and she snuffed it out for me. I have enough misery to deal with (see #1), I can't allow "what could have been" with her to depress me any more. I quit.

I quit #3: I quit thinking there is someone for me. I won't even start looking anymore. I've resigned myself to the fact that person doesn't exist. I'm in full lock-down, crisis control, self defense mode. I was never an open person. The few times I've lowered the tower gate and permitted someone behind the castle walls they've crushed me. I'm not an attractive person. I'm not tall, dark, handsome, or wealthy. More than once a women I was interested in has said: "You're a great guy, women should be lined up to meet you" or words to that effect. She (see #2) being the most recent with that bullshit inspirational message. The ironic thing is when I reply: "we should try going out then" the answer has always been no. It's funny how that works out... you're good enough for all of those women in line but not me. I've never seen this mythical line, and I suspect there never has been, is, or will be one. The immediate reaction of the depressive mind is to seize on a negative thought and build upon it. I can't afford to torture myself right now a with series of what if's and what will never be's. Erase the doubt and stop trying.

I quit (maybe) #4: I possibly quit sobriety. I have abused alcohol all my adult life. Drinking for me has rarely been about feeling good, it's been about not feeling bad or not feeling at all. Over the years I was able to get away with it. That was until last year when it finally bit me. Since that fateful night in January 2007, I've promised myself I will only have a drink when I want one, not when I feel like I need one. 16 months later I have lived up to that commitment to myself and have not drank to escape the demons inside my head. A wine at dinner or a beer at the ballgame sure, but not a self-prescribed dose of numbness. There's an ice cold twelve pack in the fridge right now that may not be there in the morning.

I quit (not) #5: I'm not quitting blogging. Quite frankly this exercise and those people who I have "met" over the past week are the only things keeping me sane right now. In what is a terrible time professionally and nonexistent time personally, you're the people I see behind me like in the Verizon advertisements. Blogging has become the therapy I am not getting elsewhere. Please know that the support, encouragement, laughter, and tears that those of you who are reading and responding bring me are a lifeline at this moment. You are a far-away light that flickers faintly with the message that there may be light somewhere in this darkness.


Cece said...

Gosh Bob, How did I manage to be first tonight? Ok, seriously. I am sorry that you are at such a dark point in life. Trust me, we have all been there. It is nice that you do have an exteneded blogging family. We will always be here rooting for you to come out on top. Laughter is the best medicne. YOu won't find solace in booze, but you might find a nice hangover tomorrow. YOu are right, there isn't necessarily someone for everyone, but we must find happiness with the cards we are dealt, or else life is going to be a long fucking hard journey that we want to end. So sit back crack open your cold ones, and watch porn. (this is my poor attempt at humor.) I hope things looke brighter in the morning. Now I must go turn off the Power Rangers and pick my sleeping children up off the couch and carry them to bed.

The_Sphinx's World said...

Okay Bob, I have to say it's really a must to quit #3, you deserve better than Elsie (although she must be THAT good-looking). You'll find another Elsie who is more deserving, really!

You may quit the rest of the numbers, but never #5, Keep on blogging... I really like reading your posts.

Penelope said...

1. I totally did this in December of 2006. I had a nest egg to fall back on, but basically I quit my job without having anything else lined up. I began mulling the decision in October, fanticized about it in November and did it, I think, December 1st. My supervisor was nuts, HR/ management knew she was nuts, and they did not intervene to my satisfaction. It was taking a toll on my mental health and I just couldn't bear the environment.

This was the smartest decision I ever made. In taking some time off, I was able to take a look at the big picture and make a rational decision about my career.

I have a new job and basically career wise I lived happily ever after.

2. People should not dictate your happiness. Furthermore, this Elsie character does not sound particularly attractive to me if she treats people the way she treated you.

I'm sorry-- I'm temporarily channeling some lame ass self help guru.

3. There IS someone out there for you. You just aren't ready for that person yet. Work on yourself for a while. What are your interests, goals, desires, etc?

OK, lame ass self help guru is now gone. I am back.

4. I'd steer clear of the alcohol. Nothing good can come of it. Alcohol is a depressant and I'm not seeing that as advantageous.

I totally get the concept of "numbness", as I struggle with addictions myself. I have no advise or answers, just be careful.

5. I'm glad you won't stop blogging. I started blogging during my stint in unemployment, so I totally get the whole support concept. I have friends around the world, who I have not met, but support me as much as I support them, and I wouldn't recognize them anymore than they would recognize me.

Pretty weird, right???

Good luck. I know good things await you.


just bob said...

Thanks for the words. I ended up having two beers (what a lightweight) while watching a non-porn movie. We'll see what happens with the work environment next week. I do know I'll pick up my search efforts though. It will never get better there so it's time to cut bait and try somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

So. I lied. I am leaving another comment. F uckin write a book dude. Your writing is phenom. We have the girl perspective out there - we need the boy (or Bob) perspective out there.
Keep the job until you have stability.
Stay off the alcohol and look at yourself as "hot hot hot" and not needy. If you appear available and needy the chicks will run. Remember your gifts and you will be happy!
You write incredibly well. Keep least until you are famous. ;)