Saturday, August 1, 2009

No wonder I hate this place

My mobile neighbors left while I was gone...

Thanks for leaving some of yourselves behind.
Now I live across the street from the city dump.


Karen ^..^ said...

Oh, gross... I guess the sweeping and tidying up was short lived...

Leah said...

It's just one big f-you isn't it. It's really an aggressive act, isn't it. ARRGH.

Leah said...

And I was so pissed off on your behalf that I said "isn't it" twice. Oh well.

Suzanne said...

What's wrong with "isn't it?" It's not like you used it twice in a sentence. And to think, Ms. L, we almost came to blows over this damn guy and his RV. HA! He couldn't walk that pile of trash over to Bob's bin? Now that's just lazy. You know I share a space at the park with a homeless guy who is a wee bit mentally ill. He leaves behind plastic bottle and things like that every morning for me to admire. Well of course I pick the damn things up and put them in the recyling bin just freakin' yards away and always say the same thing, "What in the h*** is wrong with your lazy a** walking a few extra feet?" And you know how I go out of my way to support the homeless, but that just p****** me off!

Oh, Hi Bob!!! Well, you can do what you do best. Pick up the phone and call the city. Of course they'll come out and pick it up.

Have you recovered from jet lag and your trip yet? I bet you have because you look marvelous!

XO Blottie

Suzanne said...

Hi Karen!
Hi Leah!

Merely Me said...

I don't see a Thin Mints box in that there pile of crap. So sorry.

Unknown said...

Oh that does suck! Really,really mean and just plain lazy! UUggghhh!

Megan said...

Take a walk across the street and scoop it up and throw it in your friendly neighborhood dumpster.

Problem solved.

Suzanne said...

You know what's so funny, I wanted to say exactly what Megan said, and not what I actually said, but was afraid because I know you all sometimes think I'm a pushy ass. How can she say it and make it sound so sweet? I love you woman. You'll make a wonderful wife.

The Wedding Planner

just bob said...

Karen... they swept, but left it for us.

Leah... Isn't it ironic that isn't it can be used appropriately twice?

Blottie #1... Isn't it wonderful that Leah pays so much attention to proper grammar? Really, isn't it?

Merely... nope, no thin mints that I can see.

Robyn... Oh well, I can be lazy at times too. But I don't leave my trash for others to pick up after.

Megs... I'll get right on that, not.

Blottie #1 again... isn't she grand?

Suzanne said...

Oh she's grand alright. And knowing absolutely NOTHING about proper grammer, I'll just tag along on Leah's coattails. Why? Because I'm lazy and she's up to the challenge.

I just learned from a friend in England that my high school friend, a great soccer goalie who played professionally is now a world renown PhD in exercise physiology and a consultant to the US World Cup soccer team. Who the hell knew?!!! Yes, if we met again I'd have to address him as "Dr." Ahhhhhhhh, hell no!!! I'd just call him Conrad! Don't get me wrong. I respect all his achievements, but to me, he's just Conrad! With a lot less hair. Wow. A lot less. I was in love with his younger brother Matt (my age) and wonder where his hair is today? It was sorta long and sexy. Hummmmmm. Rob raced against both Matt and Conrad in downhill, so knows both of them. Obviously Rob skied at a rival school. I can hardly wait to call my darling HS friend Diana in NC and tell her about Conrad. We'll have a good laugh. Who the hell knew so many friends would become famous. What the hell's our problem!!!??? Hell, my sister almost became one of the first field hockey players at the Olympics, but she chickened out. I could have been famous via my famous sister, but she chickened out. SISSY.

Yes, I know that's funny.

XO Blottie #1

Suzanne said...

Oh, and just so you know, one of the lead singers from the B-52's lives right near us. Well, not me technically because I don't live there anymore, but in my mind I still think I do!

Abi said...

I'm really sorry they left a mess Bob.

I know you don't really read my blog, and that's ok, just wanted to let you know if you ever wanted to drop by it's invite only now, well will shortly be, so you'd have to mail me at

Suzanne said...

Hi Bob!
Hi Abi!
Hi Leah!
Hi Karen!
Hi Merelyme!
Hi Robyn!
Hi Megan!

Gossip (learned this new talent from Leah!). Okay, so by the way Bob, Megan's flirting over at Otins!!! She's such a cutie, isn't she!? Maybe it's time to take her for a weekend spa vacation or something. The wedding's approaching and I don't want any hiccups. Is that how you spell hiccups? Hummmmmmmmm...I don't know.

Happy Monday handsome,
XO Blottie

just bob said...

Already tossed aside like trash on the side of the road.

Suzanne said...

Oh knock it off. You're going to look so good in that tux she won't know what to do with all of you after she peels it off.

Honey, I'm hungry. Have anything to eat? And by the way, I look down on your head constantly and can't help but say, "WOW!!! HANDSOME!!!" I know that's what Ms. M thinks too. She's just a wee bit frisky this week! *Bob quickly books spa weekend for 3.* No jackass, for two! No Bob, not for me and Megan, for YOU AND MEGAN. * Rolls eyes in head. Folks, sometimes it's like I'm pullin' teeth myself.*

Suzanne said...

Hi baby. I just saw my birthday blog. I love you. Very, very much. Thank you darling.


Leah said...

Gossip? *ears prick up*

Cece said...

I didn't think Suzann was ever going to shut up so that I could get a word in edgewise.


I'm glad you got back safely. I was wondering where you were. I didn't realize you were going to be gone. I missed you Bob.

I hate litterbugs. Sorry you have to look at that.

Suzanne said...

She's the dearest friend and spelled my name wrong. Bob, please. I'm listening to Neil's hoppin' it was a lie on Otin's blog. He has an insane music list. I'm now listening to Nazareth's Love Hurts. I haven't heard it in years. It's still simply beautiful. Now I'm listening to Sister Chistian. What's your price for flight!!! What? *Arms extended.*

I didn't want to listen to Piano Man. But there it was. Beautiful. We've all closed our eyes and absorbed it. And so it goes.


Kookaburra said...

Well isn't that just typical to leave their trash behind for "Someone Else" to clean up.
I agree with LEAH's comment.
BTW My daily walk to the station is littered with discarded detritus and empty beer bottles.

Abi said...

Teehee - HI SUZANNE!! :D

Thanks Bob, you shocked me! I wasn't expecting that :) watch out, I might smooch you, quick, run!

Mr. Shife said...

Wow. How nice of them. Do you know what finally caused your RV neighbors to move on? And I actually had a little bit of compassion for them and then they act like buttholes. People are always good at disappointing you.

just bob said...

Mr. Shife... I don't know what compelled them to leave. They were there when I left for a conference in Boston and gone when I returned four days later.