Friday, July 10, 2009

No time to cry

I didn't get the job I had been hoping to get. I found out today that they have selected another candidate. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. To say I'm devastated would be fairly close to the way I feel right now. It was the PERFECT job for me. I would have gotten to return to doing what I'm trained to do and what I enjoy. It would have been in Denver... and I love Colorado. For the past 10 years since I left Colorado Springs I've always said that if I had the chance to get back to the Rocky Mountain state that I would. Get this... the best part of the job would have been that I had no staff. That's right, no personnel issues to deal with because I would have been just another indian and not a chief. Can you imagine finding a job that lets you do what you love to do, in a place that you love to live, and you get to discard the most troublesome part of your life? It was the PERFECT job. Now, can you imagine how it feels not getting the PERFECT job?

The folks in Denver have been great. From all of my interactions with them, they have been first class and professional in every aspect. They are a tremendous group of people and whomever the candidate to work with them is he/she will be very lucky. The selection committee did take the time to point out that they were impressed with my presentation and interview with them in June. Apparently not impressed enough. I honestly don't know what to do next. I obviously can't afford to quit where I am at now, even if it is killing me at a rapidly increasing rate. But there's no time to cry. No time for my standard depression driven pity party for weeks. It's time to move onto the next opportunity, with a resume in at Nevada-Reno for a similar type position. It's not the perfect job, but closer to what will help to make me happier.

Time marches on, and someone got their perfect job today. Maybe I spent too much time daydreaming about how tremendous this was going to be. Maybe I set myself up for a bigger disappointment and heartache than I needed to. I know that vision of a better life was getting me through some trying times this past month. I don't know what to do next. I don't know how to ward off the dark thoughts that will creep in to occupy the place of the idyllic vision. But I'll try, because there's no time to cry.


Merely Me said...

Sucks finding this out on a Friday - sorry!

You sound very first class - totally Bob - how you talk about the team there - good for you.

Just sucks. So sorry.

Suzanne said...

Hi darling,

I agree with Merelyme and I'm so sorry.

About a year ago Rob put an application in to Congresswoman Barbara Boxer's office for a legal council position. Hundreds submitted applications, but only 3 were called to Washington after phone interviews with Ms. Boxer and staff to meet face to face with Congresswoman Boxer and more staff! Rob was one. He didn't get the job and I know it broke his heart. It was his dream job and Washington is where he most wanted to be. So trust me, I understand. But I want to remind you that being selected to interview is an honor. The way I looked at Rob's situation was similar to the way I view the Academy Awards. It's an honor to be nominated. Rob was selected out of hundreds of really qualified, insanely smart applicants and I'm sure you were too. Unfortunantly only one qualified applicant can win. I know it hurts because I witnessed Rob's pain, but he was able to move on and find comfort in the fact he was honored for his ability and skill.

Bob, all I'm asking is that you please be kind to yourself. The right job is waiting for you. And as much as I love Denver and living there while Rob played hockey at DU, I really feel as if I must remind you it has one of the biggest pollution problems in the country because the Rockies hold it in. I don't think anything's changed over the past 3 decades. Has it? The Rockies didn't move, did they? It's right behind LA, right? See, so maybe your were handed a gift because the combination of horribly "thin" air and pollution in mind bendingly deadly. You're the sort of person who needs fresh air and sunshine. Give yourself a few weeks to morn then pick yourself up and look in the sunshine states.

You know it's funny because when Shara was visiting she and Rob got along so beautifully. Actually it's Rob who got her here safely despite her GPS. She didn't call me for directions, she called Rob. That is just pathetic!!! She's a school teacher in Texas and loves Austin. Rob isn't a huge Texas fan but would move to Austin in a heartbeat, so they discussed Austin endlessly. I'm definately not a Texas fan, but I'd consider Austin. Have you ever looked for a job there? It's very hip, cool, great food, amazing music, affordable housing, lots of great universities, smart people and very progressive. Kinda the works! Just throwing out a thought.

I love you darling and know you will get through this rough patch. We all care here and I don't think any of us have plans to abandon you this weekend!!! You have my numbers, so if you need to call, I'm here.

I love you very much and I'm truly sorry,
Blottie XO

Ree said...

I'm so sorry Bob. I know it's a cliche, but things will work out for the best...I have to believe that, being in the exact same boat.

just bob said...

Ree/Hotfessional... send me some homegrown corn and we'll call it even ;)

kylie said...

i'm sorry it didnt work out, bob and i'm sorry you're miserable.
like ree says, i have to believe it will work out cos i dont like everything about my life either

much love

Megan said...

Don't let it get you down. Listen to Blottie. Not me. Blottie 1.0. She's a peach.

Look at it this way - you tried and you succeeded. You looked for something else and although it wasn't there for you, at least you had the moxie to go looking for it. It's not everyone can do that, is all I'm sayin'.

Suzanne said...

Bob. Marry that woman!!! I love her like a sister. Blottie 1.0 never lies about Blottie 3.0!!! Take your damn eyes off Ree's big tits and knock it off. Distractions. We have a wedding to plan and you have to find a new job. Stop lollygagging around a striped tank top woman. Good Lord. That's just pathetic. Repeat after me my dear soul..."I am not IV...I am not IV...I am not IV." There ya go then.

And Ree, I just love your blog. I didn't leave a message because it seemed too much like a Google comment page and I've been there, done that, and been screwed royally. I'll chat with you here. You crack me up. I've had the proceedure. Many times because B.C. is in my family so started at 35 and am now almost 50. Last year #1 was fine as it was flattened to a pancake, no pain, just discomfort, but #2 no. I screamed in agony. The plastic flattening the boobie device was lifted a bit and the photo just fine. I learned a valuable lesson. They don't have to be that flattened. Scream a bit and it relents.

Oh, and Ree, I don't think you should advertise that beautiful rack because guys like Bob are unable to talk to friends afterwards. Infact, I think he's still drooling. Good Lord woman, have some respect for for the rest of us. Oh, and have some respect for the job he's morning. *Suzy is seen walking away shaking head and reapeating "Women." "Women who wear tight tank tops and have big mammogram boobs. Jeazzzzzzzzzzz. But she's a gardener and has kitties!!! Jeazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz." Knock it off young lady.

Ahhhhhhh, just kidding. You're beautiful. Bob has good taste. I'm Blottie 1.0. I should know!!! We've all been invited to go to the movies over on Kylie's blog. She's in Australia. Wanna come? Kylie isn't aware she's invited all of us, but show up anyway. Trust me. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup...Bob's there. Take a good look, then get back to me. The nuptuals between Megan and Bob should take place around September 15. Let it happen. Trust me. Blottie would never mislead another potential Blottie.

XO Stop by, we'll chat!!!!!

Abi said...

I'm sorry Bob..

Leah said...

I'm sorry too doll. What everyone else said is right and good! I can't even add anything to it but my little voice of support. It will work out for you--you're really great.

re: what Suzy said, Sarge and I lived in Austin. It's fabulous!

Karen ^..^ said...

So sorry, Bob. I know that feeling of disappointment all too well. There will be another great opportunity for you, and you will be content and happy. The best thing about you is that you are able to go wherever you please. I'm stuck down here like a rat in a cage. Bleah.

That alone makes you very desirable to any employer. And you will find a perfect fit.

Cece said...

I like the way you are approaching this. You are right, you don't have time to sit and bitch and moan and wallow in self pity. You have to get out of that toxic job you are in, so get your ass in gear and get those resumes out there. Set your goal small. Say it with me. My goal is to find a new job. Now, it may not be your dream job, but it will get you out of the hell hole you are in now. So set your mind to it and do it. Don't wallow. It's not becoming.

*What? Someone has to be the hard ass around here.*

You know you are a dear man, and I love you like a brother. Please, don't allow yourself to slip into that dark cave of self pity. Claw out of it tooth and nail, Bob. Life is what we make it. So make it good!

C. Alderete said...

You're not alone, dude. I'm presently dying a little inside every day. Hold your head up.

Suzanne said...

I wrote a comment but Blogger is being such a bitch with this new 4,000 plus word game. I saved my comment to wordperfect and will post it tomorrow. I'm too damn tired tonight to figure out all the ligistics tonight.

Bob, just so you know, that new photo is totally unattractive. Your future wife is in complete agreement so I know I'm right. Don't listen to Kylie. She's Australian.

Suzanne said...

I used "tonight" twice in a sentence. Sorry. Yes I know the rule. I'm tired.

just bob said...

I am what I am Blottie's #1 and #3. The photo stays for now.

Suzanne said...

Just don't pop! And if you feel your about to please warn Blottie #1 so she can get the hell out of California.


Lifeofkaylen said...

Sometiems good things come from sadness...I had 3 job interviews for this dream job of mine, in a dream company. I didn't get it-but I got a different, not as great but way better than where I was, job.
And I was there for over a year and really loved it, learned a lot and met some great people. 16 months after I was turned down for that dream job-they called me out of the blue.
I was on their hot list and had just one afternoon of interviews and got a job offer within 4 days.
And now I could not be happier with my job!

So hang in there!! Everything happens for a reason, right? Your perfect fit is coming...just be patient.

a. said...

Denver sucks. Bob rules.

Lori Whitwam said...

Yeah, I'm late. Very. But very sympathetic. I've been submitting my novel to agents, and have gotten three rejections in the past week. Disheartening, and probably more to come.