Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stages of Life

Stages are my life. They have been for a very long time, ever since I got into my current profession as a young adult. Sometimes the stages look like this.

They bring the world's most popular musicians, actors, actresses, comedians, speakers, and performers up close and personal. They bring a cast of characters like Big Bird, Barney, and Mickey Mouse to life for children to enjoy and learn valuable life lessons. They bring local and national politicians to the public, convincing us to vote for them or informing us of what they are doing for us. They are altars for clergy-persons of all faiths and denominations celebrating high holidays and mourning the loss of influential people like politicians and celebrities.

Sometimes the stage looks like this. They feature the beauty and artistry of ice dancers and figure skaters. They bring together a school or community to rally around the home hockey team against their rivals. They dazzle us with fastest and most athletic skaters in the world playing the sports they love the most, sometimes just for fun and sometimes for profit.

Sometimes the stage looks like this. Giants in life running, jumping, shooting and rebounding... bringing a roomful of people out of their seats and on their feet with their sheer wizardry and skills. Dramatic blocked shots, thunderous dunks, and buzzer beating three points shots are the center of attention on these stages.

Sometimes the stage looks like this. The theatrics of muscle bound wrestlers playing out modern day drama plays happen here. The sweet science of boxing and the newly popular melding of mixed martial arts into ultimate fighting take place in the squared circle.

The ironic part of it all is that although my career relies on stages, I would rather not be on stage. I can build a stage and book the entertainment to be on it. I can advertise the shows, and sell the tickets for people to come and watch them. I can park their cars when they arrive, and feed them their favorite snacks. I can keep them safe and comfortable. About the only thing I can't do is entertain them. The stages in my life are for others to occupy. Being behind the scenes is fine for me... thank you very much.


a. said...

I'm sitting here wondering I've never been offered backstage passes to anything...

Suzanne said...

Oh you know I'm just sitting here thinking. I'm going to wait. I'll be back. I just left something below, and that took effort, so I have to relax and think for a spell. Why the hell aren't you the Wedding Planner? Damn! If I ever get married again you're planning my wedding.

XO Blottie #1

Wings1295 said...

Very cool. And I wouldn't want to be the one ON the stage, either!

Cece said...

I love to watch UFC although I have never seen it live. I love to watch live plays, but I've not been to that many concerts. I think I can count the concerts on one hand. Have I missed the point of this post?

Brian Miller said...

ah but you did entertain us on your stage today. building a stage is hard work. have worked as stage crew a few times for concerts.

Gabby said...

Neato. You help entertain the masses, that's awesome.

Megan said...

You rock, Bob.

The Silver Fox said...

Thanks for the reminder that more people matter to what we see onstage than just the performers.

just bob said...

Annie... you just need to know somebody ;)

Blottie... How is that wedding planning going?

Wings... thanks for stopping by

Cece... You didn't miss it. This week's topic at Theme Thursday was "stage" and this was my take on it.

Brian... yep, being a stagehand is hard, tiring work. Been there, done that.

Gabby... It can be a cool job in the right place with the right people.

Megarific... no, you rock.

Silver Fox... sometimes there is more going on behind the backdrop than there is in front of it!

Anonymous said...

Bob, if not for you, the masses could not enjoy those celebs and politicos, right? Fine take on the theme :)

Anonymous said...

You certainly entertain us with your blog. And I just know you'd love to put on a speedo and wrestle with someone named "The Doom Boomer." Don't lie.

just bob said...

RC... the only wrestling I'll be doing will be like John Candy in Stripes.

Suzanne said...

RC just cracked me up. Baby, have any stale popcorn while I watch the wrestling?

Oh, and just so you know, life as a Wedding Planner sucks because the groom doesn't always fit his tux week to week. *Takes Bob's face in hands..."Baby, I can't continue as your wedding planner if you're going to f*** with me."* You know what's so funny Bob, I think lots of people on your blog think I'm actually a wedding planner!!! For all of you who do, no, I'm not. It's a running joke.

And Bob, I have to tell you something so funny. I haven't posted it yet, but I took photos of a beautiful country club/golf course here in Carmichael. Sort of simlar to the one in Arden Park, just more beautiful. But there's another in Carmichael I haven't captured yet. The pinnacle! I'll visit at some later date. I entered the gate and talked to the attendant. Asked if I could photograph for a friend who was thinking of moving to the area and joining the club. He said "Of course." I did. Upon exiting I stopped at the gate to say "thank you!" He said "When's she arriving?" I said "Well she isn't and I'm not so sure about him, but after he sees this layout, maybe soon!!!" We had a good laugh and then he directed me to the club to get brochures and talk to staff aboout membership. I took him up on his offer and went to the club out. I did pick up a brochure, but I didn't discuss membership with the staff because I didn't want to waste their valuable time. I know you're not moving here, so that would just be rude. But it's so fun to take photos of golf courses and beautiful country clubs for you!!! After capturing the gorgeous course down by the American River, I think that's probably it for me. I have about a 20 mile radius!!! Okay, honestly, maybe 15. I have no idea where the public course is. I'll try to find that before ending my round.

Yes, I love you!
Blottie #1 XO

Suzanne said...

"Club out" should obviously been "club house." Leave me alone. Honest type out...I mean typo.

Suzanne said...

I had so many typos! Too funny.

Hi Bob. ;)

Suzanne said...

Hi Bob.

I'm tired.

just bob said...

Hi Blottie

I'm tired too.

Megan said...

Hi Bob!

just bob said...

Hi Megarific!