Thursday, July 23, 2009

Theme Thursday - Shoe

There was an old woman
who lived in a shoe
her 401k disappeared
and she got foreclosed too

The stock market did fall
a most perilous drop
Soon she moved into
a worn out old flip-flop

This sandal had seen
much better days
There were holes in the straps
that let through sun rays

She had two dear children
with no place to go
Their school was closed down
The state had no cash flow

So the kids did stay home
and played in the yard
They watched over the sandal
Their home they did guard

Down to her last dollar
the Old Woman did get
A crisp lottery ticket
her lucky numbers she bet

When the balls took a tumble
the Old Woman had won
Sixteen million dollars
would bring them great fun

As she raced to the capital
her anticipation grew
Then Governor Arnold
gave her a state IOU

So she traveled back home
to her meager flip-flop
No money for food
She couldn't even shop

The moral of the story
is what can burn ya
when you live in this state
Welcome to California


kylie said...

hi bob

i'm likin this one!

Abi said...

Great poem Bob!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Great folk song! Get out that folk guitar. Love the litho.-Jayne

Alan Burnett said...

Love it Bob - a tale of our times indeed.

Suzanne said...

Hilarious! At first I thought you were talking about me until two kids showed up.

First and formost, the illustration is beautiful. Yes Bob, I notice stuff like that. Yes, I enlarged it and took a long time going over every detail. That's what I do. Really lovely. I appreciate the fact you pick good art.

I can't stay and chat because I have to get to the park, but just so you know you're going on a road trip to San Francisco with Megan to visit RC. So keep your bags packed. How do I know? I just read about it over at RC's. Why doesn't anyone inform the freakin' Wedding Planner? That would have been a perfect wedding venue with a bit of lag time.

Beans, beans, beans the magical fruit.
The more you eat,
The more you toot.

I love Boston. Hope you're having fun.


Tess Kincaid said...

Heh-heh! Good one! Yes, it would be great set to music. Pull out that guitar!

Betsy Brock said...

At least you still have your sense of humor! :)

Suzanne said...

Who are all these new women? What the hell have you been doing in Boston? Blottie #1 is not amused. Especially after you showed your "real" photo, I'm definately not amused. What am I supposed to address you as now? Velcro?

Jenny said...

most excellent.

Debo Hobo said...

What, a lottery ticket IOU? That ain't cool! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh please, send this to Arnold!

Brian Miller said...

nice. lol. and apropo in todays economy.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

The Silver Fox said...

HA! Loved it.

Suzanne said...

The Silver Fox's hair looks almost as good as mine, but not quite. Where the hell are you? A week of conferencing isn't like a vacation? Hummmmmmmm.

Look, all our friends are here.


Leah said...

Pithy poem, Bob. I agree with Jayne, it's really like a folk song.

Nice one for TT!

Suzanne said...

Pithy. Folk song. Let me get out my banjo.

What? You better not be in that bar sucking down your 10th.

Honey, I just won two amazing tickets to the Carmel Bach Festival. You know I can't go, but you can. You're right there. Let me know and they're yours.

XO Blottie

Anonymous said...

OMW Bob!, this is priceless. Nice work! And Guv'ner Ah-nuld looks a bit stressed out in that clip( gee...I wonder why-LOL! )

Leah said...

Just Bob, you are hereby tagged. By me.

Baino said...

I see we're not too far removed from California in Sydney! Small world.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...


Love your TT insight.

Suzanne said...

Where are you?

Anonymous said...

Yup, 'pithy' is a good word- clever, funny too- good post Bob!

There was a young Bob who lived in a shoe,
had so many blogs to visit, he didn't know what to do
So the inimitable Bob will often drop by
And keep it short by saying just 'Hi!'

Cece said...

Funny! I love it. You have so much talent. I hope your weekend is going great.

Karen ^..^ said...

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Hi, Abi!!! So good to see you here!!