Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy 50th Blottie!


Karen ^..^ said...

Happy Birthday, Suzanne!

Suzanne said...

I agree with Karen!!!

Megan said...

I'm not saying happy birthday five times. Sheesh.

Okay, I lied.

Happy Day After, Suz!

Megan said...


Suzanne said...

Megan, too funny! Happy Birthday to you too!

Deleter. I know I read that damn thing and I remember VIVIDLY leaving a comment. But I understand all too well. Been there. Done that!

Love you dear,

P.S. One thing I forgot to mention is you have friends who adore you. You have a venue. We listen, we comment, we laugh, we cry together. There's a huge difference. Please don't ever forget that.