Thursday, August 6, 2009

Talk me off the ledge

Tell my why it's a bad idea to quit my job without having another one lined up.


Suzanne said...

Okay, this is like a no brainer. You'll be out on the streets living WITHOUT an RV parked across from your old apartment wondering what to do with all your trash and a small broom. Don't do it. I quit a job once in college without an exit strategy because I was so pissed. Dumbest damn thing I ever did. And that was in a GOOD economy. Your job may suck, but you have a job. Millions don't right now. Suck it up and buck up.

Love you,

Leah said...

Bob, just keep telling yourself that you can quit your job anytime, but then don't do it. It's like a sanity net: "I can quit this shit anytime I like."

Kevin McKeever said...

Don't know. Are all the cool kids unemployed these days? Or "consultants."

Lori Whitwam said...

Depends. If your brain is in imminent danger of exploding if you stay... I've only done that once, and it almost gave my husband a stroke, but if I'd stayed there one more second, my soul was toast. Otherwise, amp up the job search before you pull the plug.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I say QUIT! Yes, it's a bad economy...yes, it may be hard to find another job...but your sanity and health aren't worth it. I know this advice is counter to everything everyone else is telling you, but life is short. Don't waste it in a sucky job.

Leap and the net will appear.

just bob said...

Blottie #1: the rational side of my brain echoes your comment. The emotional side of my brain says "this place is killing you physically and emotionally and if you can make $X a month part-time you can survive until a full-time gig turns up." The jury is out on which side is winning right now.

Leah: I can quit doesn't sound nearly as good as I did quit.

AHAU: I know at least three freshly new consultants. That market seems to be filling up quickly.

Lori: I think my soul is singed right now, well on its way to charred and ultimately toast. The job search is in high gear already. On a side note, I got to see CCR live last Friday in San Fran. My friend's band, Band of Heathens opened for them. Even better live than on their albums.

just bob said...

RC: You snuck in there while I was posting. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, especially after finding out a friend not much older than me is fighting cancer. It is a slap in the face reminder that life is short and you never know when it will be taken from you. I've always been of the mind that I'd rather enjoy my job and make a little less money than others rather than be miserable. Right now it is miserable and the money no where nearly makes up for it.

Megan said...

Work sucks.

just bob said...

Megs: Truer words have never been written.

Karen ^..^ said...

Because you've been looking all this time with nary a bite. I feel for you. I've been there. It's not a fun feeling, especially with kids to feed.

Think of your lobster slippers. They are depending on you.

just bob said...

Karen: You are correct... the lobsters are depending on me :)

Merely Me said...

What about not living up to your standards and becoming a self-respecting fcuk like the rest of them? See if you get fired and then can claim unemployment. It's so beneath you but would make a few great posts! A Day In The Life of Bob... at the beach... at the coffee shop... at the book store... at the bar... reading labels at the grocery store... contemplating moving in with mom.

C'mon! If you go out, go out with fanfare!

just bob said...

Merelyme: As they say... If you're going to be a bear be a grizzly.

Merely Me said...

Love it!

Suzanne said...

RC, now you know I love the woman to bits, but RC that's not a good plan because there's no net. Nothing. But Bob, you didn't say you have a plan of your own with part time. You give us all the vaiables to navigate without giving us all the information. That's really unfair. If you have part time work and can afford it, then I say go for it. If you don't. Don't. I agree with Merelyme. You quit, you get nothing. At least wait till you're fired to qualify for unemployment. If you don't who's going to pay for the apartment? The gas? Electric? College loans? Who? Yes darling, we all sold our soul to the Devil.


Kookaburra said...

While you're looking for another job you can still keep paying the bills. I know it sucks; but life isn't all beer and skittles.

Speaking of beer . . .

Lori Whitwam said...

Bob, I now officially love you. You went to a Ragweed concert! And yes, Band of Heathens are great! I had to road-trip to Indiana and Illinois in June to catch Ragweed 2 nights in a row this year. New CD out 9/1, and the release parties are starting to show up on the schedule, so I'm hoping!!! They haven't been to Minnesota since last year in July. (Road trip report appears in my mid/late June blogs)

And, I've changed my mind. I just watched my husband spend a year in a job that was destroying him every day. It's not worth it. He was ready to go work in a department store or fast food place, just to have SOME income while he found a "real" job. Luckily, a job came through unexpectedly, and he's now SAVED! He started 3 weeks ago.

Suzanne said...

So you talk to Lori about Band of Heathers and stuff like that? What the hell are the rest of us, shredded wheat?