Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy 50th!

Phatty Foo Foo
(My darling feral rescue.)
Bob, thank's for making my birthday so very special.

We've been through so much together. Remember the morning I ran after the garbage truck in the rain in my nightie and was instructed to leave it across the street for pick up?!!! Yup, me too!!! What was that? Like the 5th time or something? Damn!
I love you darling and thanks for always sticking around, no matter what.
XO Blottie

P.S. For those of you who don't realize, I'm actually and invited guest. I like to think I'm the vegetarian, softer side of Just Bob!


Mr. Shife said...

It is good to know Just Bob has a vegetarian, softer side. It makes me feel better about this world of ours.

Megan said...

That's why she's #1.


Suzanne said...

Bob, I stopped by to see if you deleted it! I hope you're having a good day mister. ;) XO
Mr. Shife, Ha! Bob has agreed to go vegetarian once a week and show his softer side by wearing his lobster slippers more often. *Blottie sneaks in and tosses lobster slippers in wash with bleach.* Wow, PINK lobster slippers. My favorite!

Mr. Shife, honestly I don't think Just Bob or Megan got the memo because she's always sneaking bacon in. Have you notice their love affair with pork? Oh, and beef? Chicken?

Love you "Big Daddy" and thanks for stopping by. Oh, and just so you know, you have a new show on The Food Network you should be bragging about more often. With all that paint I wasn't aware you're black and can cook. I made your "Simple Salad" the other night and LOVED it! Thank you. :)

My Dearest Darling Blottie #3,

Hello Sista!!! Now see, I don't differentiate between the three of us. Well, I had to over here because you did over there. Knock it off because YOU'RE #!!!! Whoops. Let's try that again. YOU'RE #1!!!! (I had to leave it because it was too damn funny. Freud, what the hell did he know?)

XO ;)
Sista Blottie

Suzanne said...

Knock it off.

Leah said...

Wait, I thought this was the same post, but then I had to look and saw it wasn't. If that makes sense, which it doesn't.

Where's Bob?

Suzanne said...


You rarely make sense young lady! Oh, just kidding. Bob's out gallivanting while I take care of the home fire for him and Megan. I don't even think the man has a fireplace. Does he? No. He better write something here before I delete the SOB. You know me and my famous delete finger.

No, I'm not going to delete. I think Bob actually enjoys time off once in a while while Blottie fluffs up his blog with kitties, pink and garbage cans!!! I also baked some scones.


Suzanne said...

Bob, where the hell are you? Time for a new Just Bob post!

XO Blottie

Suzanne said...

Bob, we're stuck on 7. Please don't make me write a new post.