Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More Poetry

In a funk
lots of junk
got no spunk
Monday stunk


Merely Me said...

Tuesdays Troubles
Are no more fun
You might as well blow bubbles
Because I cannot write a pun

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your Monday stunk
That you got no spunk
And you're in a funk.

Take that frown
Turn it upside down
Because never fear
Life gets better with beer.


Kookaburra said...

A bad case of Mondayitis.
Have you visited my site?
I left a poem there for you to read and reflect on.

The Peach Tart said...

You have a talent

Karen ^..^ said...

Hope Wednesday's better, Bob! Happy Hump day!

Cece said...

Turn that funk into a funky monkey.
on your co-worker's cars do some punking.
Remember your week can't be all that bad,
Today's it's hump day, aren't you glad.
Yeah, my poetry is really quite bad.

Megan said...

1 pm on Wednesday. Halfway there.

ree said...

Wednesday storm
has become the norm
which matches the mood
makes me crave comfort food
Wish I was home
with my dog.

(Okay, so I lost it there at the end.)

Let's hope for a better Thursday.

CSI Seattle said...

Wednesday wasn't so good. Thursday's forecast is a bit dark too. That's why we have weekends.

If work was fun, then it wouldn't be called work.

Win the lottery. You'll feel better.

kylie said...

hi bob
after a rough couple of days here i finally got things sorted with a bit of other-side-of-the-door enema coaching.
and you thought you were having a bad day :)

on the upside, if anybody ever has any problems in that dept. i reckon i'm an expert now

take care
