Thursday, August 13, 2009

A new post


a. said...

That's damn funny. And I'm not even on the inside of this cat and trash thing.

Suzanne said...

I'm with Annie! That's too damn funny. But Bob, see, that wouldn't be my house for 3 reasons:

1. Our bins have lids and they're really big. (Hey, it's California.) We don't need half a dozen for God sakes!

2. My grass would look gorgeous! Bob, did you notice they have no curb appeal? They must not watch HGTV. BUT I DO!!!

3. I'd never drive an SUV. And certainly not one almost as big as my damn house!!!

On, and 4. Am I going to have to rescue that cat? *Suze starts preparing master bedroom for a new kitty and calls Vet.*

You're hilarious Mister Bob, and I adore you. Thanks.

P.S. And Annie, don't encourage him. And it's not really an inside joke. I was having so much trouble with trash day for about a 2 month period and then I was charged for a missed pickup. I got my act together very quickly after that because I REFUSE to be charge for garbage twice !! What, he couldn't wait by the driveway until I woke up? How rude! And you know what honey, my trash has never looked as bad as the trash in Bob post. I don't do bad trash. ;) And yes, I'll admit I did chase the garbage truck down on numerous occasions in the pouring rain and in the dark? And yes, in my nightie. What? You haven't done that? If not, you haven't lived! XO

Suzanne said...

Bob, they need a landscape architect. Do you realize they have a mailbox at the front door? That's just pathetic!!!!! And that the SUV would never fit in the garage.


The Peach Tart said...

This cat looks pissed and possessed.

Megan said...
