Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blottie version 3.0

The time has come
to heap some praise,
on a fellow blogger
who makes our days.

She's always there
with a timely comment,
when she's not around
we always lament.

She's a great mom
and a definite bibliophile,
Her spirit is contagious
and makes us smile.

She works really hard
and rarely complains,
Her posts are compelling
and her humor entertains.

She's always genuine
and never is fakin',
She loves her toast
and adores good bacon.

If you haven't guessed yet
let me be more specific,
All she needs is everything
She's really Megarific.

Please join me now
and clap everybody
for the wonderful Megan
She's now my third Blottie.


Leah said...

Yay Blottie Megan!

It's true, she is such a blottie.

Suzanne said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT. I thought this was all about me (I'm a Leo). Then saw her. Damn woman. I'm crying. Buries head in keypad. No, no, no. Well, okay. I'll embrace you cuz I love you. You screw up I'll kick your ass. No. I'm not kidding. You guys spent the week together, didn't you? No, we aren't morons. Looks around. "RC, you know what's goin' on don't you?" I hear ya sista. We got in without sex. We will always have that. Megan will always be the "little sister," the one from USC. Bunch a freakin' light bulbs over there.

Suzanne said...

Leah, git. You're incorrigible. She IS a Blottie, but not on my Blottie watch. Okay, I'll share. Begrundgingly. Oh Bob. RC wasn't much competition. Megan's gonna kick my ass. That's unfair. Oh come on *Suze rolls eyes in head.*

Suzanne said...

Megan, welcome to the inner circle.


kylie said...

well done megs!

just bob said...

Suzy... you never forget your first and you were my first :-)

Megan said...

Best. Bob. Evaaaaaaaaah! I accept, I accept! The Triplets of Blottieville!

Suzanne said...

Oh God, it's still agony coming back and reading the truth. It's like having sisters all over again. Share, share, share. And I thought I was so special! I think I'm experiencing Blottie Growing Pains. I'll have to spend 99 cents and buy the new Leo mini-booklet and learn what's in store for Blottie over the next three months. No, not Megan Blottie, Me Blottie. Leah and Kylie are NOT helping this effort in the least. Oh, and BOB, I'm about to turn did NOT help me transition to the next phase of my life easily. THANKS. *First. First my ass.*

Me Blottie

Suzanne said...

And look, she squeaked in before me. This is gonna be a challenge. You know why? Because she's too cute!

Okay, okay, okay:

Megan, I love you.
Megan, welcome.
Megan, you're a beautiful Blottie.
Megan, you deserve this.
Megan, I have some martini's. They're a little warm, but still viable, you, yooooooooou, you little vixen you.
Megan, to get this award and penetrate the glass ceiling, what did you have to do? Enlighten us. Get married without the Wedding Planner?
Megan, I'm the older sister. Trust me.
Oh, sorry, congratulations.

XO ;) Me Bottie!

Suzanne said...

I'm so confused and screwed up and can't even spell my name any more!

Megan said...

All this crying and wailing from someone who has an freaking birthday blog of her own!


Love you, Suz! You are #1.

Suzanne said...


Blottie, if you're going to succeed you have to spell properly. Take it from an expert, they never let you forget! Try to proof before you post. (Or I'll be on your ass like stink on a monkey.)

Let me welcome you to Blottiedom or is that Blottiedum? Ahhh, who cares. It's an honor and a HUGE responsibility. Huge I tell you. It's sorta like winning Miss America without the difficult, mind boggling question, the swimsuit contest or evening gown. Hummmmmmmmm. So it's not like Miss America at all. Okay, so you just wing it basically. But there's one rule...the older sister rules. *Snaps bikini bottom and adjusts pink bra...* No, I'm not kidding.

I have a birthday blog? That man's too kind. Well RC (Blottie #2's too kind). See, we have a long history of philanthrophy in Blottie Land. Don't disappoint.

Me Blottie XXXXOOOO ;)

Suzanne said...

#3, I love you, #1!

Suzanne said...

Wow, yikes, almost feels like Huge Hefner's about to walk in.


Suzanne said...

Nope, it's Just Bob.

Karen ^..^ said...

Congrats, Blottie #3!! Definitely well deserved.

Who was #2?

I must have missed that one.

Cece said...

Good Luck Megs. Being Blottie #3 is hard work. And considering Miss Californification lost her crown.... I know you will make the followers of Blottie's proud.

Hi Bob!

Suzanne said...


Random Chicks #2. She rarely surfaces. She's shy! I never had much of a problem with her, but Megan, it's gonna be a smack down!!! You just know she's going to have fun with this. Bob is a trouble maker.

Love ya darlin',
Blottie! Oh, excuse me, Blottie Me, aka Blottie #1!

a. said...

Congratulations, Meeks. We always knew this day would come for you!

Suzanne said...

I was certainly now aware this day would come. Why didn't someone inform Blottie?

Suzanne said...

My comment CANNOT be taken seriously with that insane typo! YES, of course it's supposed to be "not."


(Oh, you bet your ass I'm going to refer to myself as "Blottie" all the time now.)