Monday, June 22, 2009

For Blottie #1

(title unknown)

Cece called tonight. Yes. I think to just make me laugh. The woman's hilarious. And yes, I laughed my ass off.

I'm going to be gone for awhile. I'm working on a painting, but will keep you informed.



Suzanne said...

OH. MY. GOD. I am NOT amused. Now I remember. How in the hell do you get this crap? I don't even have this crap. Why? BECAUSE I DELETED IT!!! You're killing me. You know that.

Bob, you know that the North Ridge Country Club is probably the last one I'm going to scout for you because you're a pain in my ass. There's another really beautiful one in Carmichael. Gorgeous. Stunning. Very, very, very exclusive. Hell, I doubt they'll even let me and Black Beauty in! Yup, was going to drive the extra distance in a few days. Nope. Not now. Ha! And it was the best of the bunch.

That'll teach you to show the big reveal. What is this? HGTV? "Megan, excuse me darling, I need a moment with your future husband." *The Wedding Planner blast past Megan and smacks a good one on Bob. Oh, and a hug too. Wow, that was not even difficult! Suze turns and walks out of San Jose. Excuse me, drives.*

Love you,

Suzanne said...

Blottie's lazy.

Suzanne said...

I am #1.

I'm also #2.

Hummmmm. And I'm worried about comments?! Well, let's see what happens.


If I'm #4 you know you're in trouble.

Suzanne said...


I think this is just between you and me.


just bob said...

Could be you are the only one who reads my blog!

Megan said...

I've been away. I'm back now. And I see that Suzanne has posted like nine billion times in the three days. Did she delete half of 'em already? I need to know what I'm letting myself in for when I go over there...


kylie said...

in the past few days i havent seen a post older than five hours at suzys joint
no wonder she looks like crap, she never sleeps :)

Suzanne said...

I think Megan needs a good swift kick in the ass. And frankly, I don't think Kylie's far behind.

Sleep. What the hell's sleep? I don't need no damn sleep. But menopause, I think it's gonna kill me. I'm not kidding. I don't think I'm going to survive it. No. Really.

Suzanne said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bob. I can see why you love her. I'd marry her too if same sex marriage was still legal in California. Kylie too, but that would be a long distance relationship and probably difficult because she's very religious and I don't think too keen on gay relationships. Hummmmmmmm...I'm not even gay. What in the hell am I talkin' about? Those two women make me go all nutty. *Suzy goes back to painting.*

"Nine Billion?" No, just Nine Million. She so over exaggerates. Blotties. There just trouble. Trouble I tell you.

The Wedding Planner

Suzanne said...

Also "they're." Yes, I can actually use the English language properly. Well, sometimes.


Leah said...

You people are just way too funny.


kylie said...

for the record: i have nothing against same sex relationships but not for me i love men to much to complicate things with women

i do have a problem with long distance relationships

Suzanne said...

Thanks Leah!!!
And Kylie, me too. I was just kidding. I love men way too much. It was a joke about same sex marriage here in CA. The priviledge was yanked after it was given. It seemed so unfair. It's a huge issue and in the news almost daily. I don't know what's going to happen.

Love you both. XO

just bob said...

Should I delete?

Em said...

the cat is so cute :)