Monday, June 8, 2009

See you soon

I won't be around much this week. My health is fine and just family is fine. I have a big personal project that I'm working on... so most of my time will be consumed with it. I probably won't have time to visit your blogs... so keep all your best material until next week so I don't miss it.

Catch y'all sometime soon and keep your fingers crossed for me!


Leah said...

Consider them crossed!

Have a good, productive time!

Abi said...

*Crosses fingers too* good luck :D

Karen ^..^ said...

Good luck, Bob!!! We'll miss you!

Hope it all works out brilliantly.

kylie said...

i just wanna know what youre up to

just bob said...

Kylie... if I told you Megan and I were eloping it wouldn't be a surprise next week now would it?

Suzanne said...

*Just Bob begins his cover letter, "I once lived on a farm in Maine raising a herd of pucks..."*

Oh dear God. I just read the comments. Yours is the worst. *Suze starts making calls. AHHHHHHH. They have a marriage license.
AHHHHHHH. A Justice of the peace is just a few miles away. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.*

Okay, I've calmed down. I love you both, so will eat the Irish castle, the caterer, the flowers and the Roll Royce. However, I do expect to be an aunt in 9 months. Yes, next March (marks calendar). Can't wait to see Megan pull that off at her age!!! What? OKAY, I'll knock it off. *Suze turns and walks away chuckling to self..."It's probably a job interview...the wedding's still on."*

~The Wedding Planner

just bob said...

Suze... you're invited to the BBQ on the Beach when we get back.

Merely Me said...


Megan said...

What a way to get a proposal...

just bob said...

What a way to get a proposal...

It was Blottie's idea. Not good?

Suzanne said...

Random questions:

1) How's Merelyeme going to feed the baby like that? Come here darling, Aunt Suzy will feed you. *Rolls eyes in head..."PARENTS."

2) Megan, he never proposed? So you've been on a cheap date for 2 months? I wouldn't take the lying down OR sitting up. I'd DEMAND the Irish castle wedding with the WEDDING PLANNER.

3) What beach? I'm hungry. *Blottie's last seen floating on the Macy's sofa over to an Irish beach."

4) "Blottie's idea. Not good?" NO, not good!!! Since when has Blottie advocated proposing on a damn blog? And at this late date? Get over here Bob so I can kick your ass. And don't involve me in your hair brained schemes. Megan, my darling friend, I had nothing to do with this. I just wanted to plan a wedding. Any wedding. You know why? Because I watched a wedding planner show on the Style network and thought, "Hummmmmmmmm, I can do that!"


P.S. Bob, aren't your supposed to be somewhere? Get. Let the Wedding Planner take care of the BBQ. Here's a question of my own: before you leave honey, what dead animals do I have to cook to make this BBQ successful? ;)

Suzanne said...


Forgot to mention. The new photo is absolutely beautiful. You're very romantic, aren't you? Good. That will serve you well as Mrs. Just Bob.


Suzanne said...

I can't get out of here. I double clicked. Triple clicked. Yet I'm still here. We've discussed this young man. I'm going to have a donut and sit here awhile to let off some steam. Will someone from the Wild Onion please bring me a freakin' latte? I'm going to have hit the "X" you know and that just pisses me off. Why? Because more work for an already overworked woman.

Sleep tight.
I'm officially hitting "X"

Cece said...

Hi Bob.......Bye Bob

Suzanne said...

What the hell is she, a comedian? God that's too funny.

Okay, so where are you? Like back east or something?

Suzanne said...

Yes, I got it. Too funny. Hi yourself Mr. Bigshot Traveling Cowboy. (I've been listening to the Dixie Chicks! Sorry. Blame Leah because as we all know, it's always Leah's fault.) Look at her looking at me while trying to type this. She's intimidating, isn't she? Women.

So what the hell you eatin' honey? (And where? Up north, down south, Texas, California? Alaska? The Middle East. Europe? China? *Suze can be heard singing to self "Oh where oh where can my little Bob be...oh where oh where can he be...*

Good luck young man!
Love Blottie

Suzanne said...

Yes, I got it. Too funny. Hi yourself Mr. Bigshot Traveling Cowboy. (I've been listening to the Dixie Chicks! Sorry. Blame Leah because as we all know, it's always Leah's fault.) Look at her looking at me while trying to type this. She's intimidating, isn't she? Women.

So what the hell you eatin' honey? (And where? Up north, down south, Texas, California? Alaska? The Middle East. Europe? China? *Suze can be heard singing to self "Oh where oh where can my little Bob be...oh where oh where can he be...*

Good luck young man!
Love Blottie

Suzanne said...

I posted twice. Hummmmmmmmm. Apparently just for the hell of it. It's staying.


Suzanne said...


I can't get out of this joint. WHAT. HAVE. YOU. DONE? Listen to me. Yes, THAT'S A HUGE HUFF. I'm going to have to click the red X and exit. You know that just pisses me off! You know what? I may have to reconsider the time I spend here!!! *Blottie's heard saying "Oh God, please don't make me have to reboot."*

Suzanne said...

Hi Bob!

What? You know I'm stuck here, don't you. I'm laughing before even attempting to get the hell out! Why? Because I know what's about to happen! *Suze hits "back" space a million times, then just gives up and hits the red X."

Suzanne said...

So you aren't out of town, but working on a "personal project." Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Are you building an ark?

Suzanne said...

Why does it feel as if I'm talking to myself?

Leah said...

Hi Suzy!

Hi Bob!

just bob said...

Hi Leah!

Hi Suzy!

Suzanne said...

That's too funny!!!!

Hi Leah!

Hi Bob!