Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pins and Needles

When is the damn phone going to ring? I was expecting it yesterday, but nothing. Now it's Thursday and I'm still on pins and needles waiting. This is not helping my increasing graying hair or nervous anticipation. Fortunately I've been able to try and keep myself pre-occupied, but it has gotten to the point where that is not working anymore. Concentration has flown right out the window, replaced by constantly checking the phone to make sure I didn't miss a call.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.


Suzanne said...


HI BOB!!!! No, I don't have the answer, but I'm still #1!!!

Good luck honey!

Suzanne said...

Oh, and just so you know, and you know I'm not a writer, but "1 thoughful comments" isn't a good thing. I may write like shit, but I know the rules. You can't have an "s" with "1." No really, I'm not kidding!!!!! You're welcome. Big smooooooooooooooch! Get over here you big bear!

Love you XO

kylie said...

when you stop thinking about it, it will ring. probably when you're on the toilet :)

just bob said...

Then I'm going to the potty.... be back later.

Leah said...

Oh! I do hope the pins and needles are soon calmed. We wait with you in spirit...although we don't know for what, that doesn't matter!

Suzanne said...

Those two crack me up.

You hot? It's hot here, but unlike you we have central air. But it's still hot because I'm trying to "Go Green" and use less. I have the thermostate set on 80. It's almost unkind. I'm actually sweating just writing this. No, I'm not kidding.

Did you get the call? If you did please tell us because we're on pins and needles. We all sew, so know what it feels like.


Megan said...

I hate waiting.

just bob said...

My weekend is going to be joyous, tragic, or anxious. I guess we'll find out Friday.

Suzanne said...

Blottie 3's here. You're going to have a beautiful weekend. Trust me!


Ree said...

Deep, deep breaths. Then, go in the bathroom and settle in. As soon as you do, the phone will ring. ;-)

Suzanne said...


Merely Me said...


Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

You do know Merleyme and I are simpatico. Yes, it's true.

Leah said...

So, news?

just bob said...

Still nothing to report. I had not gotten a call by Friday afternoon so I called them. I left a voice mail.

Suzanne said...

Sweetie, come on over to the Wild Onion. I'll pretend to be a bartender. I just have to pour beer, right? So come on over. I can do that.

Oh, I gotta tell you something funny. I was coming back from Trader Joe's today after feeding the ferals and had to stop by the North Ridge Country Club. It's one hell of a pretty golf course! The security guard let me take a few photos and then encouraged me to pick up a brochure at the club house! No, I'm not kidding!!! Of course I'm going to post the photos. Too funny!!! I thought it was in Carmichael, but it's in Fair Oak (just next door). If you ever decide to move to Sacramento, I have everything lined up for you and your wife (Megan)!!! Honestly, I don't know the rates. By the way all the golfers were eyeing my Mercedes, I imagine pretty hefty...or where they just looking at my cute ass!!! The rates aren't in the brochure, but I imagine on their website at

It's very exclusive. Even the guard was all high and mighty! He made me feel as if I should be driving a Roll Royce or something! I had to park my humble Mercedes and do the best I could with what I got.

Yes, Blottie's always thinking of you and the wife.

I'm serious.

Suzanne said...

None of the vital info was available in the brochure or on the website. So I called. As beautiful and exclusive as it is, it doesn't stand a chance againt the club in our old neighborhood!

This one is so different. It's a one time $9,500 (not $30,000!!!)membership fee, plus $395/month. As far as I could determine, you and Megan get to eat and drink free, but I'm not really sure about that. However, for $395/month you better get somthing free! The conversation was a little confusing. When I mentioned I couldn't find the rates in the brochure or on line, my lovely spokesperson said "we don't advertise our rates on line or in the brochure." WHY!!!??? What do you have to hide??? You aren't that special! This stuff just makes me laugh. The way clubs operate makes me laugh.

I'll tell you something honey. This course is absolutely gorgeous, but the one over in Arden Park is amazing. Yes, it's expensive, but I really think worth the $30,000 investment. I don't think you and Megs would have to pay for anything there. Well, not after you plunk down that huge amount of cash. However, North Ridge Country Club is in a better area and you always have to consider, location, location, location.

Okay, so there's one more. In the best seciton of Carmichael. When I find a few minutes I'll drive my ass over there and take some photos. I've never seen it, but hear it's GORGEOUS. I assume the entrance fee is gigantic, so get ready because it's where all the doctors and lawyers live!!! Oh, and once I'm done with private clubs, I'll visit public courses! You are considering moving the family to Sacramento, right? Good.

Love you,

Karen ^..^ said...

I hope you got that call, Bob.

Not sure what it was you were waiting for, but last time I smoldered over pins and needles like that, it was about a job. Hope it all works out for you.