Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An old soul

Yesterday someone at the office told me that I had an old soul. Since she is slightly older than me (about 10 years?), I was interested what she meant by this and asked her to elaborate. According to her, I have a calmness and maturity about me that outpaces my 40+ years on earth. She went on to say that I was wise beyond my years and had a personality of someone who had seen and done more than others my age.

It was somewhat flattering, and somewhat confusing. I do feel like I've been more "grown up" over the years than other people my age. When you lose your father at 12 years old, you feel like you have to grow up pretty quick. You learn all the things that "men" do on your own without the help of the guiding hand of Dad. I taught myself to shave when it was time, and to tie a windsor knot on my own. All of that was secondary to making sure my brother and I were taking care of Mom. She made sure we got the best education possible, there was a roof over our heads, and food on the table. It was the least we could do to make sure that things around the house ran smoothly, the yard got mowed, the hedges trimmed, all of the little fix-it things got done, and we kept our noses clean and out of trouble. It was a middle class life less one important person.

It took away our innocence, some carefree days of youth, and gave us some maturity at an early age. I've always been more comfortable around people older than me. From those early days, it has always seemed that I had more in common with an older generation than peers my age. Whether it be at work, on the golf course, or anyplace else I generally tend to gravitate toward them. It is probably because I grew up around them, they tend to be safe, and there is none of the awkwardness of trying to fit in among those of the same generation. Not that I don't have people in my life my age, but I feel more secure amongst those who are my senior.

While being perceived as an old soul, I often feel like I haven't grown up enough. I haven't done many of the things other my age have accomplished. No wife, no 2.5 kids, no white picket fence. I readily admit I'm not the most responsible person when it comes to my money, having made mistakes that continue to affect me to this day. There is no nest egg in case something happens, not nearly enough in my retirement 401(k), and a whopping $6.71 in my savings account. With all of these insecurities and flaws, people expect me to be the old soul. They depend on that calmness and maturity that outpaces my 40+ years. It is hard for me to reconcile these two wildly separate places inside me. How can I be an old soul when I don't always feel confident about taking care of myself? How do I capture some of the carefree qualities of youth that I missed out on when I'm expected to be the wise and mature one? I'm not sure I'll ever know.


Suzanne said...

I'm here, as you know, but I'm not going to write anything for the moment. I need to think and then I'll be back.

Much love,
The Old Broad

Abi said...

I don't know. I feel very similar. I get told far too often that I'm old before my time, an old soul, too mature (although I am only in my 20's an expected to be a ninny obviously!)...like you there are parts of me that aren't mature at all!! And other parts...well, yeah, I don't think I'll get to do that kid stuff either :( grieving for a lost childhood...does it go away? I don't know. I would give you a hug though, if I was there.

Merely Me said...

that is a total compliment...and she wants to bed you... ;)

Karen ^..^ said...

It is always those who think deeply, and care deeply who evidence old soul-ism.

Those who blunder through life, not caring, not looking, seeking, who are not deep enough to be an old soul. An old soul has felt the pain of a thousand lifetimes, yet still has compassion for others. It is not the mark of someone who has unfailing confidence, but the mark of someone who recognizes that they don't have all the answers, and still has much to learn from this life.

Go you. You ARE an old soul, and we wouldn't see you any other way, Bob. It felt good, because it IS good.

a. said...

I think you're misunderstanding. Old Soul refers more to who you are as a person than what you have accomplished as a member of a capitalist society...

Hi, Bob!

Suzanne said...

Wow, I agree with our darling Karen and Annie. I can't write anything better than Karen. Being labeled and "Old Soul" is a true honor because it means you're wise beyond your years.


kylie said...

one of the reasons you are an old soul is because you know yourself & examine your life, the same reasons you are sometimes lacking confidence. the two go hand-in-hand, bob
and dont just be the person you are expected to be. if you want to be silly or spontaneous then do it!


Ree said...

See, the thing is...you know your flaws. (And I agree with those who said that being an old soul is not necessarily one of them).

Do you want to save more money? Then do it. Is it wrong that you haven't? Who knows. Only you.

Megan said...

Maybe you're Just Old.


Ok, that was dumb...

just bob said...

Abi... thanks for being willing to hug an old soul.

merelyme... she absolutely does not want that and quite frankly that's good thing

Karen... How very old soul of you to write those words. Still, it doesn't feel too good when my old soul gets up in the morning and every bone in body creeks.

Annie... but I live in a capitalist society... at least until California goes bankrupt. Then I guess I'll live in receivership.

Suze... I don't feel all that wise lately, but thanks for coming back like you promised you would :)

Kyles... the blogosphere is my place to be silly and spontaneous. Thanks for putting up with me.

Ree/Hotfessional... Thanks for stopping by. I hope you made an early flight on Thursday.

Megarific... You are correct, just bob is just old.

Cece said...

I know people who are much older than you and still don't have a nest egg, probably doesn't even have a savings account and are so totally stupid with the money they make that I want to kick them in the shinns. I think that we judge ourselves so harshly now a days. We don't have to get married. We don't have to have kids. We don't have to have money (but boy does it help. We don't have to be like everybody else. We just don't. Sometimes I sit back and look at my life and I think how easy it would have been if I didn't get married, if I didn't have kids, if it were just me. I wouldn't have near as many stresses as I do. We always tend to want what we don't have. I was raised by older parents. And I too get along with better with people that are at least 10-20 years older than I am. Several of my best friends are in their 40's and 50's. And my very bestest friend is going to be 66 on Christmas Eve. I'm not sure what my point is here,Bob, but I think that what I'm getting to is that it is OK to be who you are and where you are at this time in your life. You are OK.