Thursday, June 25, 2009


Limbo... a state of uncertainty, Dante's First Circle of Hell. Yesterday marked two weeks of living in limbo. I wish I could tell all of you more, but some privacy is needed in this instance. Heck, if I'll tell you about irritable bowels and anti-depressants, you must have figured out by now that I can't say anything. I can confirm it has nothing to do with my health, or the health of anyone close to me. Let the speculation continue. (If you really, really need to know... most of you know how to reach me privately.)

Back to the limbo thing. I'm on the fence whether it is worse knowing or not knowing. These two weeks have featured a plethora of scenarios playing out in my head, most of them not good. That's the way my brain works, so it is a challenge to fight off those negative thoughts. The longer I go on not knowing, the more and more I seem to lose hope for a positive result. The few people who know what is going on have been extremely supportive and keep boosting up my spirits. Of course, my blogger buddies have lent their good karma too, even though they have no idea why. That's what I call friends.

As much as I want this uncertainty to be over, I'd rather have a positive result even if it does mean not knowing for some more time. It's difficult to concentrate on the present when I'm thinking about the future. Life is full of "what if's," but this one is more important to me than even I'm willing to admit to myself. Now I know first hand why Dante made sure limbo was included in hell.


Cece said...

Don't you hate Limbo? I hope everything works out well for you. And positive energy yields positive results. I'm a firm believer in that. It has worked for me most of the time. Hope you have a wonderful weekend to come and all your hopes and prayers are answered.

just bob said...

Thanks Cece :)

Leah said...

I want you to have what you want! I'm serious. I really do.

I hope you get out of limbo asap, and that when the positive result comes through (hey, I believe in positive thinking too!) you can share with us and we can rejoice for you!


Karen ^..^ said...

Limbo IS hell. It really is.

Whatever it is, I'm hoping for a positive result too. You are a good person, Bob. You will handle whatever comes with your usual aplomb. You rock, Bob!

Cece said...

Oh and you are such a creepazoid. But a loveable one. My husband always says that I attract two kinds of people. Losers, and people with problems. I asked him which catagory he fit into. Did you know he never said that about me again! HUMMMMMMM I wonder why that is? I've been told that I'm a fixer. I do like to take things apart and put them back together again, but I'm not sure they work any better or the way they are suppose to work after I am done with them.

The wv is spyer. I think it is befitting considering the conversation. Don't you?

Abi said...

I'm hoping for you too Bob!

just bob said...

Only 13 pages views yesterday... and that was with a new post. Thanks to Cece, Leah, Karen & Abi for being commenting.

Merely Me said...

Bob - we are with you crossing our fingers...our eyes...everything. Good luck and go for a walk!
Positive thoughts your way...

Megan said...

Still in limbo? I'm sorry. I hope you get an answer soon.