Thursday, June 4, 2009

National Donut Day

The first Friday of June is National Donut Day. So what is your favorite way to celebrate the day? Mine are:

1. Chocolate Glazed

2. Coconut

3. Blueberry Glazed

4. Butternut

5. Maple Glazed

It's days like this that I really, really miss Dunkin' Donuts.


Leah said...

Wait, you guys don't have Dunkin' Donuts on the West Coast?


DD gives out free donuts tomorrow too! I will get myself over to the local chain and eat one, but first I'll raise it in a toast to Bob!

just bob said...

Oh Leah... there are NO DD's in California. And you wonder why I want to leave. Have a chocolate glazed and a large coffee for me!

Megan said...

What's so wrong with Winchell's? Is DD really that much better?

Megan said...

I'm not trying to be snarky - I really am curious!

just bob said...

Megarific... I've never been to Winchell's. I guess I'm a donut snob!

Abi said...

Oh lord. I'm on a diet. Oh. Look at those shiny, beautiful, delectable looking heavenly round ...circles...*faints and drools*

Em said...

Mine is Krispy Kreme's Chocolate dream cake. yummmmm.

wigsf said...

Honey glazed donuts are some of my favourites. Also, cinnamon sugar. Those are good too. Cherry filled donuts. Mmmm...

Dude, this post is killing me. I'm trying to diet here and now you got me jonesing for donuts.

Or... a dozen original Krispy Kremes. Fresh. Eating them all in one glorious moment. Then wash it down with that donut flavoured milkshake they got. Oh yeah, that's the stuff.

just bob said...

Megs... I looked and there are no Winchell's up here. Maybe I'll need to go to SoCal for donuts?

Megan said...

Now waitaminit, that scares me. I grew up in San Jose and I know there are Winchell's there. Or maybe there were and they've all gone now? Oh, I'm sad...

just bob said...

The Google says the closest Winchell's is in Salinas.

Kevin McKeever said...

I had a glazed stick for free at DD today. I'd say I thought of you while eating it, but that is just too metaphoric, so I hope you understand.

Gig said...

You have a Tim Hortons out there? I am jealous, I love their Donuts and my fav is an Iced Cappuccino!!
Closest one to me is 2 hrs away,

Now, I have to go back and post on your Abode!!

just bob said...

No Tim Horton's or Dunkin' Donuts out here. These west coast people have no idea what they are missing!

Suzanne said...


But in the group photo I can see almost everything I LOVE!!!

Dunkin' Donuts. I'm from the east coast. Never been to Winchell's or Krispy Kremes (God!!! I had to go back three times and check the spelling of Krispy Kremes. That's right. Right?).

Bob, if you need a good donut, just go to Safeway!!! There as good as any.

Bob, I haven't eaten a donut in DECADES, decades I tell you, but I still remember lovin' every single minute of eatin' and dunkin, good converstation, laughin'...donuts unite the world! Well...maybe not really, but I think they could!!!

Honey want to share a few jelly donuts with a cup-a-joe? Me too. Oh good lord, here comes Leah, Megan, Abi, Media J., wigsf, AHAUCool, and Suze starts to cry, Giggie!!! (Who let that bitch in?) *Gig goes into ladies room at Brian's Cafe, takes old outfit off hook on door. Gently slides it on (hummmm, a bit tight), returns to donut tasting room and kicks Suze clear out of room.* "HEY!!! THAT HURT." Bob, that woman is so rude. I'm now on the curb looking for pocket change to find a way home.

Can you call me a cab?

Suzanne said...

Yes I know Bob. They're, not there. *Rolls eyes in head...I'm tired and still looking for change."
