Saturday, June 20, 2009

For Annie and Megan

Click to Enlarge


a. said...


Suzanne said...

You know what that is? It's love.

Suzanne said...

It's also hilarious.

Karen ^..^ said...

Too funny, Bob. Loved it!!!

Especially the pants part. And then the dog part. LOL.

Leah said...

That's funny. I giggled out loud.

Cece said...

I love bacon too! and so does my son Nathan. I do believe we could live off bacon, although not for long. Soon our arteries would clog and we would die from heart disease, but at least we would die happy with bacon in our stomachs.

Merely Me said...

Produce. Publish. Sell!
I can smell it all the way over here in Michigan and am salivating!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

What? Look at them!

Suzanne said...

I know what I was trying to say, but I didn't actually say it. So yes, I deleted. I think this makes up for it.


Suzanne said...

Baby I have a post for you as soon as I find the time. I was on the way to Trader Joe's yesterday and pulled into the North Ridge Country Club. Nice golf course!!! Very green. I even picked up a brochure. If you and Megs ever move to Sacramento you have options.


Megan said...

Bob, you rock.