Saturday, June 13, 2009

Do you wanna fork or would you rather just spoon?

Let's say you are out at a restaurant and for dessert you order a slice of Key West Key Lime Pie with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. The waitress brings you one utensil with which to eat both items. Would you prefer having a fork or a spoon? I know what I got and would have rather gotten the other.


Suzanne said...

Spoon. I don't screw around when it comes to food. I just shovel it in.

Hi Bob!

Suzanne said...


Em said...

with ice cream, spoon. without - a fork is good.

kylie said...

i'd rather spoon

wigsf said...

Spoon to eat the ice cream. Then I chuck the pie out the window. Pie is for suckers.

Karen ^..^ said...

Spoon. Definitely. I love my ice cream all melty. You need a spoon for that.

TSintheC said...

I'm guessing you got forked.

Leah said...

Definitely spoon for me. How else are you going to scoop up all the melty gooey bits? It's just good engineering sense to use the spoon.

just bob said...

Yep... I got forked but wanted a spoon. I considered licking the plate to get the melted ice cream but decided against it.

Cece said...

I would have licked the plate. But I've eaten ice cream with a fork before. Usually really hard ice cream. Oh crap, that wasn't a good statement, but I"m leaving it here anyway. Just for laughs.

a. said...

Fork. Who could eat pie with a spoon? Plus it's kinda fun to have ice cream with a fork. Interesting feeling.