Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A New Day...

Time for a "Bobism."


Leah said...

I thought "a new day" was the Bob-ism!

I was sure he had posted this till I saw the name.

Is it a new day, Bob?

Merely Me said...


Suzanne said...

"Where's Bob?" I know he's around because I saw him on a few other blogs. I keep hearing Robert de Niro in Cape Fear, "Come out, come out wherever you are."

Hi Leah!
Hi Merelyme!
Hi Bob!

Megan said...

He's busy playing Mafia Wars...

Suzanne said...

Cece's addicted to that crap too. I'm not even going to look. I'll keep posting here till he get's his fancy pants back. Okay, suggestions. What should we talk about in the next post? Count down...12 hours. Give me your best shot.

Merely Me said...

So, I, who don't even like bananas, ate 'em yesterday. Bought 'em today.
Will it ever end?

If not, I can always make banana bread! (Now THAT'S an idea!)

How do y'all like yours? Mine? Not a speck of green...and better specked!

Suzanne said...

I like mine ripe. Rob likes his just past the green stage. Never could understand that. When we first moved to Berkeley we stopped at a food stand located in the courtyard near the law school. We ordered a smoothie. The first time we'd ever tasted a smoothie: frozen strawberries, orange juice and a banana. Rob has made a smoothie every morning since. That's a smoothie every single day since 1980!!! That's a lotta "just getting ripe, but not quite ripe enough for Suzy bananas!!!" Think about it. 29 years x 365 days/year = 10,585 smoothies! God that's too funny and absolutely true. Oh, and we've done it all with only two blenders (Osters really last)! What's funnier is he'd NEVER eat banana bread, or a specked banana. Even more interesting is he's never tasted coffee. Do you know ANYONE who hasn't had a cup of coffee? Probably why he looks the way he does.

Now, for the best banana bread in the whole world you almost gotta let the bananas rot!!! You know, just almost past the point of no return when it's so sweet you can't pick it up without the skin melting! But I'm sure you know that.

Now for the finer points of zucchini bread. Sit down honey, I'll put the pot on for tea. *Suze is seen dragging Macy's sofa back over.*

"Hey Bob, where the hell are ya?" *Suze fluffs pillows and is heard mumbling "Don't make me come down there mister."*

XO Blottie

leahsimone said...

Hi Bob!

Sarge doesn't drink coffee either. I think that is absolute blasphemy. I always say we're in a mixed marriage.

leahsimone said...

And yes, I just made banana bread out of bananas that were all brown on the outside. But so sweet inside! I cannot eat 'em that way, but banana bread? Definitely.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob!
Hi Leah!
Hi Suzanne!
Hi Megan!
Hi Merelyme!

Suzanne said...

Hi RC!
Hi Bob!
Hi Leah!
Hi Merelyme!
Hi Megan!

Leah, I know, black/brown on the outside, ripe on the inside only for banana bread. Oh and coffee. Sarge too? How is that possible? I even love coffee ice cream!!! You too?! Yummy.


P.S. Where's our darling Bobness? Probably off searching for the missing link, I mean fence. I bet if someone starts the BBQ and throws on a few burgers he'll show up. Megan, it's your turn to bring the beer.

Merely Me said...

...that coffee issue? We too, were a mixed marriage...decaf and regular...probably married three years before our counter only had one coffee pot on it! That is one issue I will not sacrifice on. Hubby says it is my "nice juice".
Leah! So odd that I didn't notice until now (probably because of a conversation with my mother yesterday) that a name I totally wanted for the youngin was Sarge! I don't know if that is hubby's real name or blog name but I love it!
I contemplate at this hour making a pot of coffee!!! I LOVE it! Trader Joe's Bay Blend is my cup of choice!
Hi Everyone!
(Come out, come out wherever you are!)

Suzanne said...

Hummmmmmmmmmmm. I'm going to Trader Joe's tomorrow and will buy Bay Blend. If it sucks I have only you to blame. Of course I'm serious. I don't screw around about coffee.

Where the hell's Bob?