Saturday, June 6, 2009

One corner of the world

A few weeks ago fellow blogger Leah started a meme showing her favorite corner of her home. Since I haven't been around much lately it has been a while until I got around to taking her up on her challenge. To be honest, I don't really have a favorite corner at the Abode of Bobness, and sometimes it seems I spend more time at work than I do at the Abode. So, here's my favorite corner of my office space.

1. This is pretty cool. One of the people we do business with is from China, and he brought back this collector package of plush toys of all the mascots from the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The writing is in Chinese, so I can't really tell you their names. Suffice it to say, it gets people's attention.

2. You can't really see them behind the grease board, but those are my collection caps from all of the places I've worked over the past years. There's one from Colorado College, a Minuteman from UMass, a Wildcat from UNH, a Rhode Island Ram, and a current Spartan from San Jose State.

3. My grease board. Even though I'm a bit of a computer geek, I still use the grease board to keep my "to do" list. There's always something more rewarding about physically erasing completed tasks than simply checking it off an Outlook task bar.

4. Again a little hard to see, but that's my Bob The Builder construction hat. Nope, not life size but still cute.

5. That's a game ball that was presented to me by the UMass Men's Basketball team after their First Round NIT home win in 2007 vs. Alabama. With only a few days to prepare, my staff and I prepared the building for a nationally televised ESPN game. It was a dramatic overtime win and one of the most exciting games I've ever seen in person.

6. This is a medal from our Spartan Triathalon in April. No, I didn't compete, but jumped in and volunteered to handle all of the food preparation and service for the athletes. They tired me out just watching them swim, cycle, and run.

7. That's my "BOB" volunteer badge and Obama coffee cup from last November's presidential campaign.

8. A certificate presented to me by the U.S. Olympic Committee for the work and assistance they were given during their month of athlete processing and staging prior to the Beijing Olympics. The men's volleyball team practiced for three days before leaving for China and they brought home the Gold. Other teams using the facility were Rowing and Wrestling.

9. A beautiful kaleidoscope presented by the Inauguration Committee for all of the work done during the Inauguration of Ann Weaver Hart as President at the University of New Hampshire.

10. A thank you note from Head Coach Travis Ford while he was at UMass. I came in on a Friday night to turn on and operate the video scoreboards during an on-campus visit by a potential recruit for the basketball team. It was a last minute request and was greatly appreciated by the basketball staff.

11. Assorted cups, coffee mugs, logo golf balls and other knick knacks I've collected along the way.

12. Finally, a few photos of friends and co-workers from throughout the years. Some really good times and really good people.

That's it... one corner of the World of Bobness.


Merely Me said...

Do you realize how selfless, giving of your time, and amazing you are?
If you read this on MY blog - you would know how incredible I am!!

Megan said...

Neat-o! I hadn't thought of the office, probably because I don't have one. :)

Your corner of Bobness is awesome!

Leah said...

This is so cool. I'm thrilled that you took the challenge! I loved seeing your favorite corner.

I am especially enamored of the Olympic plushies.

kylie said...

sentimental git, aren't ya?

Suzanne said...

Damn dude, I arrived for the donuts with coffee after reading the Wild Onion. I'll go to the donut post and be back. No, I haven't read this nor looked, and won't till I have a respectable sugar high. *Suze is seen trying to get through the police donut door without violating the $410 "I'll kick your ass" code.*

Yes, the citation arrived today. *Looks like Mr. Hubby Lawyer is concerned she may not have only voiliated the $410 light, but the speed limit as well (59 in a 40 mile/hour zone (I told you I "gunned" it!!!). Apparently that's a violation unto itself. Hubby's going to fight it. Using the argument "I was out of town and the car was stolen."

Okay, I'll be back.


Kookaburra said...

Hey Bob,

Thanks for sharing a corner of your world. I was really pleased to see that 'Wilson' has found a nice home. I always wondered what happened after to him after he floated away from Tom Hanks in Castaway.


Karen ^..^ said...

I love it, Bob. Because we are at work so much of our waking lives, it makes sense to have a nice, happy corner to spend time in. I love this. It shows your personality and just makes us feel good to see this little peek into your day to day life. The plushies are adorable, and so is your Bob the Builder hat.

Good post. I loved it.