Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Garden Party, Bobness Style

Lately it's been all the rage for blogger's to share their gardening prowess. I'm not much of a plant person, but those of you who are have some great places and lots of talent. Not wanting to be left out, I've snapped some photos for everyone to see the beauty of my surroundings too:

This is my front door.
This is where Joe Tran hangs his advertisements.

This is my only fan.

This is my patio.
No BBQ grills are allowed.

Inside my refrigerator.
That's chicken on the middle shelf defrosting.

My Bob The Builder Alarm Clock.

White-Recycle, Green-Trash.

This is my bed.
Now I'm not the only person to have ever seen it.

There you have it... the Eden that I've created for myself. Enjoy.


Cece said...

Very minimalistic. You can tell it is a bachelor pad by what's in the fridg. But I like minimalistic.

Jenny said...

You are such a boy.


Suzanne said...

This is what I noticed, and trust me, I notice so much shit because I always look. You have a freakin' box of Uncle Ben's rice in the frig!!!! Cece and AB, did you notice that???!!!! Please tell me I didn't see that. Okay, I'm going to look again. Yup. It's there! Bob, this is the rule. If it's dry and it's in a box, it goes in the cabinet, not in the frig. You are too cute. God that's too damn funny. I can hardly wait for RC to return from DL and see this. Oh...she's gonna have something to say alright.

And your bed. Interesting color choice. I'll have to research the color maroon. Cece, do you know what the hell that means? AB? Do you? Hummmmmmm. I'll have to think about that. I bet MJ knows, and if not I'll Goggle.

I think you're probably earning enough to hire a decorator, or at least have time to watch HGTV. You need to warm things up a bit. Not just for us, but for you! Perhaps and accent wall, some balcony furniture from Lowe's, Home Depot or IKEA, stock the frig to look like you mean business, hang a wreath on the front door or repaint it for God sakes. Don't make me come over there damnit. Cuz trust me, I'll bring the girls and we don't screw around. Do we girls?

Thanks for saying hi to Sweet Pea!



Gig said...

Hi Bob,
Looks like the Hottie Blottie has everything under control...

Happy Early Birthday Suze!!

kylie said...

hi bob
ok, you're "such a boy"....whats my excuse?

Luka said...

Is that a trophy on your bedside table? And if it is, do I dare ask what it's for?

just bob said...

Is that a trophy on your bedside table? And if it is, do I dare ask what it's for?

A team I was a member of won a city sponsored golf tournament many years ago. Thanks for noticing and stopping by the abode of bobness.

Penelope said...

I'm with Suzanne-- you need some color. I'm seeing too much institutional/ apartment white goin' down. Hang some stuff on the walls, as I'm assuming you can't paint in an apartment.


Suzanne said...

All those comments and you respond to a woman in a sexy pair of black shoes and a phallic symbol reference first? Let me give you a little tip about loyalty and honor Mister. She was 6th!!! 6th!!! I'll say this about that...

Hi Cece,
Hi A.B.,
Hi Suzanne (yes, me),
Hi Gig,
Hi Kylie...

And yes, of course, Hi Luka. Welcome, but can you get your sexy shoes and feet off the damn table cuz you're kinda distracting. Jeeezzzzzzzz.

Suzanne said...

Okay, here's the "Maroon" info.

Maroon is smbolic of courage, heroism, strength, vigor, anger, leadership, courage, yearning, malice and wrath. It's also the symblolic of yang and indecisivesness. Okay, it's official, you're screwed! After researching color, I'm going to post about it because I realized I'm equally screwed! Wish me luck with that.


Suzanne said...

Yes, I'm aware smbolic is not spelled smbolic. Cut me some slack.

Suzanne said...

Oh, one more thing before I leave...
- Luka, are those Manolo's? Pretty.
- And Penelope, I agree!!! (Always love reading your comments!)
- Kylie, unfortunately, I think we know the answer!
- Cece, you put Uncle Ben's in the frig too? Is that the def of minamialistic!? Damn, I'm going to simplify my life too. I think rice should always be stored in the frig so it's easy to find. Especially the "instant kind." Hell, why not just put everything in there?
- A.B., such a boy needs a pretty gal...
- Giggie, Oh you bet I do! And thanks baby!!! Happy Birthday to me....

- Suzanne, You are quite the piece of work. Now go, get, skedaddle.


P.S. And Bob...yup, we're known to take over a blog at times!

Cece said...

I guess storing rice in the fridge will keep the bugs out of it. But I don't eat much rice, therefore, I don't keep it around my house that much, but when it is there, I keep it in the cabinet. We do keep beer in the fridg though. Actually, there's beer there right now. *cracks open a cold one and takes a big swig. "YUCK! I knew I didn't drink this crap for a reason."* Sorry Bob, not much of a beer drinker, but the HB is.

Sully Sullivan said...

Wow no barbecue. That hurts real bad. Nothing like a grilled steak. Ah well, hell of a garden...I mean place you got there.

each of the two said...

weird,you and i have the same duvet cover (that thingie on top your bed...)

but, how can you really call yourself a man and have light beer?

I am embarassed for you.

just bob said...

but, how can you really call yourself a man and have light beer?

Yeah, well I've never claimed to be a man.

Suzanne said...

I can't comment up above, so I'll put it here. Please take care of yourself. Please.


Aunty Belle said...

Yikes, Bob, heard that that ole' fire is in Big Sur--mercy, chile'--Aunty jes' hopes ya'll ain't too near that.

On the other hand, nuthin' like a little smoke damage to justify a whole new decor....take good care.

Suzanne said...

Honey, how would any of us forget you? That isn't even possible. I have a Blottie to prove you exist!!!

Thank you sweetie. And those of you who read it know it's a struggle. She's gone. What do you do with that? Where do you put that sort of pain. Life changes so quickly you often don't know what to do. She was here just a few weeks ago and now she's gone. What do you do with that? Where do I put her? Of course I'm crying. I don't know where to put her.


I hope you're okay. I worry you know.

just bob said...

Suzanne, even if I told you not to worry you still would. But seriously, it's something bigger than that. It would be easier if that was it.

Queen Goob said...

Bob....all I saw in the fridge was the beer - but then again, I'm classy like that. And the maroon sheet were used because Bob is having his period and doesn't want stains, sheesh Suz, you know this!

Before we sic a decorator on Bob, don't you think we should ask him to find that handy screwdriver and fix the dangling wires? Safety first, ladies!

Come on Bob, let's grab a beer, I'll help.

Anonymous said...

I like the bed, the clock and the beer.

Go you!