Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is pissing me off

Excuse the language, but it had to be said. It's a great Saturday... the sun is shining, it's warm but not hot, the coffee is delicious, and The Fog has taken an extended absence for now. I'm in an upbeat mood and this won't derail the Bobness Express but...

I just spent 30 minutes washing dishes which just ran through the dishwasher. W-T-F??? I'm not a domestic dude, but I know how to run a freakin' dishwasher. Load the racks, not too full, no plastics on the bottom, fill the detergent dispenser (I'm a Cascade man.... just for the record), crank it up and let it run. Honestly, what could possibly be easier? Ever since moving into this place in California, conquering the challenge of getting clean and sanitary dishes has eluded me. Look at these pitiful results this morning:

It was cleaner before it put it in the dishwasher. I should have put it in the cabinet the way it was, coated with a thin film of bleu chesse dressing, bits of carrot shavings, and a dash of black pepper for accent.

Nice spoon... I should have left the mushroom gravy on it and put it in the drawer.

So not only did I have to load and unload the dishwasher, but then I had to wash, rinse, and dry. Oh the humanity, the trials of Bobness can be quite burdensome. But I trudge along secure in the fact that, although I've lost another 30 minutes in my life to menial chores, I will have cleanliness is next to godliness cutlery and dishware.

Aww look, I can almost see myself. Clean enough to use again! With my tasks for the day now completed, I can go about my weekend work of smoking cigars, surfing the internets for Canadian midget porn, and pondering life's grand mysteries.


Penelope said...

Canadian midget porn eh???

Personally, I rarely use my dishwasher, since I cook for one person. I just wash as I go.


Suzanne said...

Christ. I'm laughing too hard. The dishwasher I can relate, miget porn, nope. You're on your own. I'm with you Penelope!

What a day. Fortunately my dishwasher works like a pro. And Rob came by with the new Mercedes and had me take it out for a drive. What a gem. She's pretty and drives like there's no tomorrow. Mom (MIL) returns tomorrow from the east coast, so Rob gets to come home. THANK GOD!!! I'm exhausted from running this household on my own. Seriously. Too hard. No, let me rephase that...TOO FUCKING HARD!!! That'll do it. I've never been so exhausted in my life. Oh, and then I had to deal with the crap from yesterday. Good Lord. Is someone going to cut me some slack? Please do. I can't take much more.


Suzanne said...

Oh, Hi honey!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob!

I just had to come over as Suzanne has been raving about you, and I wanted to see what she was raving about - I can see why!

I've never had a dishwasher in my life, so I'm stuck washing by hand, which is a pain in the a*** but at least I can get things clean!

Canadian Midget porn.......hmmmm *chuckle*


Cece said...

I always overfill the dishwasher. And it drives my husband crazy!! I never prerinse the stuff. I figure if I consistantly do it wrong every time, he will do it all the time.

Johanne said...

Arghh!! Is it a dishwasher conspiracy??? I have the exact same problem!! Reason why I told my love that when will be just the two of us, we wont get a dishwasher... It's a wast of time and energy...
BTW, you did a great job!!!

just bob said...

When I was growing up we didn't have a dishwasher, so my brother and I would take turns doing them by hand. Sometimes we were on our own, sometimes one washed and the other dried. Mom was never too far away to make sure the job got done right. Those were some nice family moments.

just bob said...

Oh yeah, hi everyone!

Gig said...

Hi Bob!!

I am taking a short break from handwashing a really big pile of dishes for the 3d time today. When the gkids are here it is endless. I am working on training them, but they still want to use cold water to wash and dry...I think it is just their way of not doing them.

Ok, break is over, back to the dishes I go...


Lori Whitwam said...

After years of apartment living, it took me **11 YEARS** to get a dishwasher in my house. I refuse to hand wash anything, period. I have devised the theory that any food that has been baked onto the silverware and plates after the dish cycle is sterilized and therefore harmless. They may dispute this when I eventually turn up in the emergency room, but for now I'm sticking to the theory.

Anonymous said...

That was priceless. LOL!!!